Huntress is being restrained by her enemy. After some lecture by another villain, the enemy behind her hits her in the head. Apparently she's unconscious when they take her to the car outside, because one of them comments about her waking up later.
Black Canary is running from a couple of enemies when she thinks she meets Superman, Batman and Mary Marvel. They however, turn out the be an imposter who knocks out Black Canary by hitting her in the face with a stick.
Comissioner Amy Angotti, Ex Machina, and several other characters from the series have their mouths symbolically taped shut by Padilla, a cut throat reporter.
April O'Neil is knocked out from behind while on an archeological mission. She is tied to and alter
and nearly sacrificed.
Contributed by: (hypermagneto999)
IN the first scene, Roxy gets captured by a mad scientist via an implied injection (it's not shown).
Caitlin Fairchild is later kidnapped by the same mad scientist. She gets injected from behind
and passes out. All in all a pretty decent scene!