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Jean Grey and Storm appear unconscious on the cover. The villainess Cancellator elbows Storm in the face knocking her out.
Dec 12, 2020 1 4
All of the Avengers are knocked out in a fight with Michael Korvac. Ms Marvel arrives to help, but she is subjected to the same treatment. Korvac then decides to kidnap her, lifting her limp body under his shoulder and flying away.
Dec 11, 2020 5 3
Ms. Marvel is knocked unconscious by a robot Iron Man imposter, who is controlled by Ultron. Vision and a fake Ms. Marvel appear, to kidnap the real Ms. Marvel and plant a decoy. Source:
Dec 11, 2020 2 5
Ms. Marvel is fighting alongside Hawkeye and Wasp against the Super Skrulls, who have come to invade the Earth. In the fight, she is the only one to get knocked unconscious and the team get captured. Hawkeye and Wasp get restrained, and Ms. Marvel's limp body gets thrown over the shoulder of the Wolverine Super Skrull....
Dec 11, 2020 7 7
Female Female


Chloroform scene from a French graphic novel. Found on the Western Civilization Forum.
Dec 05, 2020 3 3
The organization "the Five" has defeated the future Justice League (their Flash is a women). Source:
Dec 03, 2020 1 4
Green Lantern knocks out the reality warper Locus. Source:
Dec 03, 2020 0 7
Pandora falls unconcious after a battle against Agent Kincaid and Vandel Savage. Source:
Dec 03, 2020 1 12
Batman zaps Poison Ivy Source:
Dec 03, 2020 1 5
In a fight, Mary Jane Watson is knocked out by a thug when he hits her in the head with a gun. Arriving just in time, Spiderman defeats the thug and carries the unconscious damsel to safety. Source:
Dec 02, 2020 1 3
Hush kidnaps the Bat Family. Source:
Dec 01, 2020 3 9
A pass out and drowning from the Abigail story. Original published as Les Mythics #4
Nov 29, 2020 1 6
Male Female


Lady Jaye is knocked out when she shoots a gas tank in her father's lab.
Nov 29, 2020 0 3
Doctor Aphra gets tranqed.
Nov 29, 2020 0 2
Quick chloro scene from the Dune Graphic Novel.
Nov 29, 2020 9 2
Storm is brutally knocked out during a fight against Valkyrie, and saved from drowning by her enemy who leaves her unconscious on shore.
Nov 26, 2020 1 3
Dazzler is stalked by Eric Beale. After dodging various attacks by Beale, Dazzler is abducted and beaten unconscious. She in wakes up in her captor's house, her clothes changed.
Nov 25, 2020 0 4
Wonder Woman is captured to fight in a sort of gladiatorial games.
Nov 25, 2020 3 3
Hades' Daughter Angelica aka Bloodlust is put to sleep via magic. Source:
Nov 25, 2020 0 4
A man's Foxbox collapses, and he calls for help. Help arrives, and hoists the limp FoxBox over his shoulder as he walks out. Source:
Nov 24, 2020 3 5
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