All of the Avengers are knocked out in a fight with Michael Korvac. Ms Marvel arrives to help, but she is subjected to the same treatment. Korvac then decides to kidnap her, lifting her limp body under his shoulder and flying away.
Ms. Marvel is knocked unconscious by a robot Iron Man imposter, who is controlled by Ultron. Vision and a fake Ms. Marvel appear, to kidnap the real Ms. Marvel and plant a decoy.
Ms. Marvel is fighting alongside Hawkeye and Wasp against the Super Skrulls, who have come to invade the Earth. In the fight, she is the only one to get knocked unconscious and the team get captured. Hawkeye and Wasp get restrained, and Ms. Marvel's limp body gets thrown over the shoulder of the Wolverine Super Skrull....
In a fight, Mary Jane Watson is knocked out by a thug when he hits her in the head with a gun. Arriving just in time, Spiderman defeats the thug and carries the unconscious damsel to safety.
Dazzler is stalked by Eric Beale. After dodging various attacks by Beale, Dazzler is abducted and beaten unconscious. She in wakes up in her captor's house, her clothes changed.
A man's Foxbox collapses, and he calls for help. Help arrives, and hoists the limp FoxBox over his shoulder as he walks out.