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Another great Wonder Woman story. First, Wonder Woman gets knocked out by a crazy old guy. Then, a bunch of the Holiday Girls get captured by the same guy. The old crazy guy tries to fill the room with methane gas in order to ignite it. But Wonder Woman regains consciousness just in time. Amazingly, she saves all...
Sep 07, 2009 4 5
Wonder Woman is knocked out after being bound with her lasso.
Sep 07, 2009 3 2
Yet another Wonder Woman head KO. Yes, "her poor head".
Sep 07, 2009 3 2
Another "R.C." advertisement. They don't make 'em like they used to.
Sep 07, 2009 0 1
Wonder Woman goes diving, but someone pumps sleeping gas into her helmet. Has a nice bondage splash page.
Sep 07, 2009 4 4
Wonder Woman is knocked out by a falling rock.
Sep 07, 2009 2 2
This is the debut of a not-so-famous heroine: Little Miss Red Head. She is tied up in the splash page only.
Sep 07, 2009 0 3
Wonder Woman is knocked out while underwater.
Sep 07, 2009 4 2
The Huntress (Golden Age version) gasses Wildcat.
Sep 07, 2009 2 1
Little Miss Red Head (who has a really cute costume I might add) is captured by some goons. She's tied up in their hideout.
Sep 07, 2009 2 3
Etta Candy bound and gagged Wonder Woman electric KO.
Sep 07, 2009 3 2
A spirit or ghost knocks out Wonder Woman with a gunbutt to the head.
Sep 07, 2009 3 2
An angry lady empties a bottle of sleeping potion in Wonder Woman's cup.
Sep 07, 2009 1 2
Wonder Woman finds a bottle with an unconscious woman inside. Wonder Woman is knocked out by an axe later on.
Sep 07, 2009 3 3
A falling wooden beam causes Wonder Woman to lose her memory.
Sep 07, 2009 0 1
Lady Danger finally gets knocked out. And what a great scene too!
Sep 07, 2009 1 2
Wonder Woman is gassed to sleep from a gas bomb.
Sep 07, 2009 2 1
If you actually take the time to read Sensation Comics, you will begin to understand that it makes no logical sense. The Holiday girls tie up a bunch of recruits and send them to some old house. This is part of their initiating process or something. Well one girl gets so scared she jumps out a window...into the arms o...
Sep 07, 2009 0 2
Wonder Woman's skull base wins again! You can tell she was totally kinky for this stuff.
Sep 07, 2009 2 3
Nice little faint in this advertisement. I bet this sold Cola.
Sep 07, 2009 1 1
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