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Mickey knocked out with a blackjack. How do blackjacks make it into Disney comics?
Sep 01, 2009 1 2
Mickey is knocked out.
Sep 01, 2009 0 2
Punch out.
Sep 01, 2009 0 2
Mary Jane tries to distract Dr. Octopus, but he manages to punch her out. There are many panels where Mary Jane is carried unconscious. This comic is still on going.
Sep 01, 2009 3 9
No description.
Sep 01, 2009 0 1
Bucky is hit over the head, stunning him. He's tied up by bad guys.
Sep 01, 2009 0 2
Mickey is knocked out with a blackjack again! He's knocked out twice in this issue.
Sep 01, 2009 2 3
Minnie is overpowered during a fight. She is tied up and hypnotized to become bad.
Sep 01, 2009 0 3
From the Bucky Bug side story. A female bug is captured.
Sep 01, 2009 1 2
Scrooge and Donald are gassed during a robbery.
Sep 01, 2009 0 2
While Mickey and Goofy are on their secret mission, they are ambushed. Someone throws gas bombs which hypnotize a woman.
Sep 01, 2009 0 3
Mickey and Goofy are gassed and kidnapped by a secret spy organization.
Sep 01, 2009 0 2
Goofy is put to sleep with ether. There are lots of ether and chloro references in Disney comics for some reason.
Sep 01, 2009 0 3
Micky is gassed by a sexy femme fatale.
Sep 01, 2009 1 2
There are two gas scenes here. In the first a bunch of dudes are gassed by a rigged package. Later, Suske and Wiske are gassed to sleep by an "alien" bot. They are taken aboard the ship while unconscious.
Sep 01, 2009 1 5
I included the entire story here because I find it interesting. Bucky's dad manages to fall into a bottle of ether (what is a bottle of ether doing in a river anyway?). A few thugs decide to rob him while he's unconscious. Later on, Bucky overpowers the thugs with more ether. A very interesting Disney story from the 40...
Sep 01, 2009 0 8
A short story where Donald is knocked out by chloroform. Kind of funny...I guess.
Sep 01, 2009 0 1
Mary finds a girl bound and gagged in the trunk of a van.
Sep 01, 2009 3 1
Minnie is kidnapped.
Sep 01, 2009 1 1
Minnie is hypnotized and tied up on the cover.
Sep 01, 2009 0 1
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