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Bucky Bug searches for his girlfriend, June Bug, who has been kidnapped. He finds her in the bad guy's lair, bound and gagged. Bucky overpowers a thug and gags him!
Sep 01, 2009 2 2
An old lady is discovered bound and gagged.
Sep 01, 2009 0 2
Patsy, the red head, day dreams about being a damsel in distress.
Sep 01, 2009 0 2
Isa, the blonde, is tied up and hanging over a pit. She gets saved.
Sep 01, 2009 0 2
Brief scene where a cop gets chloroformed by one of the Disney bandits. No passout. You can see some bound and gagged policemen later on.
Sep 01, 2009 1 1
Jonah's lady friend is kidnapped and later found bound and gagged. Contributed by c3c
Sep 01, 2009 3 2
Minnie Mouse is given the cloth in this old Disney comic!!! Proof that ANYONE can get chloroformed. Man I love this scene. Special thanks to the person who found it (it was not me). Contributed by scarface (from AVGDID)
Aug 29, 2009 7 2
A scene from the game. Lara is chasing Kurtis from the museum. Outside he is knocked out and when she goes to check on him she gets hit in the head. Sorry about not being able to cut the video into something shorter.
Aug 26, 2009 2 3
Atermis is captured (she is the chick on the front cover). The capture is not shown. She is rendered unconscious somehow (has something to do with the ring around her neck). Continued in vol. 12
Aug 22, 2009 8 8
Dutch. A cute girl eats a drugged cookie, causing her to pass out. She is bound and gagged later on. There is bondage on the cover as well!
Aug 22, 2009 1 5
No description.
Aug 22, 2009 0 1
Jeannette launches a psychic attack on Wonder Woman, incapacitating her. Woman Woman is carried unconscious for a while. Jeannette herself faints and is carried OTS style.
Aug 22, 2009 20 8
Dutch. Rooie (the redhead) is about to be tortured, but she escapes by pretending to faint. Nice arm carry there. Later on while on the run, she is head KO'd and OTS carried away.
Aug 22, 2009 3 5
No description.
Aug 22, 2009 3 3
Several scenes in this issue. Lady Pendragon is knocked out.
Aug 22, 2009 4 5
Miss America faints into someone's arms.
Aug 22, 2009 0 2
Fury tries to catch someone, but ends up getting knocked unconscious.
Aug 22, 2009 0 2
No description.
Aug 22, 2009 1 4
Dutch. In an effort to save a young girl, a young boy gets knocked unconscious. The villain happens to be there to carry him away.
Aug 22, 2009 0 2
Vajra is handgagged by a friend, who needs help. She faints near the end.
Aug 22, 2009 1 4
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