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Jane Martin is knocked out while snooping.
Aug 02, 2009 3 1
Dutch. Bert is knocked out by a femme fatale.
Aug 02, 2009 0 2
There are two scenes here. In the first one, the evil twin knocks out the good twin and steals her clothes. After the good twin recovers, she is taken hostage by the evil twin. The girl is knocked out with a knife butt to the neck.
Aug 02, 2009 2 11
French. A woman is kidnapped by government agents.
Aug 02, 2009 1 3
French. A cute little girl is knocked out (painfully it seems) by a falling rock.
Aug 02, 2009 0 4
A sorceress is knocked out from behind.
Aug 02, 2009 0 1
A pilot and his female companion are gassed via "gas bullets". Later in the issue, it's very hard to make out, but there is a woman bound and gagged.
Aug 02, 2009 1 2
This scene has a rare KO on the cover. On the cover you can see Vajra unconscious with a dart sticking out of her leg, indicating she has been drugged. Very nice find. In the issue, she wakes up in the hands of slave traders. She's knocked out while trying to escape. She's tied up for a while too.
Aug 02, 2009 7 5
From the Suicide Smith story. A woman is injected with a sedative.
Aug 02, 2009 1 2
A girl falls and lands on another plane.
Aug 02, 2009 0 2
A female villain in a swimsuit knocks herself out.
Aug 02, 2009 1 2
The Dumb Bunny gets her neck broken (not sure why I am posting this then). She somehow lives though. Angel O Day gets knocked out by some blast.
Aug 02, 2009 3 4
Angel is knocked out somehow.
Aug 02, 2009 0 3
This is technically a gas scene, because the woman is KO'd via dirty laundry. Must have been really stinky.
Aug 02, 2009 0 1
Gail is found to be drugged by her kidnappers. KO not shown.
Aug 02, 2009 0 2
This story has like 3 knockouts. First, Gail is kidnapped and given an injection putting her to sleep. She's brainwashed and tries to knockout Doctor Solar. Whatever, in the end Doctor Solar knocks her out and carries Gail to her bed.
Aug 02, 2009 2 6
Gail faints twice in this story.
Aug 02, 2009 2 5
Some hallucination sequence. Not sure what is going on, but Ravager is given an injection.
Aug 02, 2009 2 3
Doujinshi. A cute schoolgirl is knocked out somehow (probably a neck chop). She wakes up bound and blindfolded.
Aug 02, 2009 2 3
This is a pretty neat sequence. Both the good and evil twin get knocked out (with belly punches). They are carried unconscious. There are also some extra art pages showing the unconscious girls.
Aug 02, 2009 2 7
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