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Doujinshi. It looks like a pedobear character knocks out a girl via neck chop. He then carries the loli away and looks at her panties. He probably rapes her, but do we really want to know?
Jul 18, 2009 5 2
Male Female


From the Jo-Jo Congo King story. The splash page has Jo-Jo's girlfriend tied up. Later, a femme fatale jungle girl is knocked out.
Jul 18, 2009 0 2
Male Female


A bunch of sexy jungle girls are knocked out. In the first part, a jungle girl is hit on the head. In the final panel, a jungle girl is given a sleeper hold!
Jul 18, 2009 4 3
Male Female


Two women are hypnotized in this Golden Age Blue Beetle story.
Jul 18, 2009 1 3
Female Female


From a Phantom Lady story called "The Subway Slayer". The splash page has Phantom Lady holding a woman unconscious. Later in the story, PL trips and falls onto a moving train. She is seemingly rendered unconscious, but she's really faking it. Clever girl.
Jul 18, 2009 1 2
A 2009 issue. Not sure what happens, but it looks like an alternate version of She-Hulk is drugged after being scratched with a fingernail. She wakes up chained. Contributed by Western Civilization board..
Jul 18, 2009 7 3
Doujinshi. Urd is given drugged food and falls asleep.
Jul 18, 2009 10 3
The Living Vampire. The vampire bites a girl unconscious (or dead, who knows). Included a page where a girl is bitten (but not KO'd). I liked her outfit, reminded me of Black Canary.
Jul 18, 2009 0 3
The Living Vampire. Nice unconscious carry on the cover. The girl wears a really cute harem like outfit.
Jul 18, 2009 2 3
Lois Lane falls down a trap and is knocked unconscious.
Jul 18, 2009 0 2
Irie Yamazaki. Doujinshi. A girl from Dragonball (maybe it's Chi-Chi?) is carried unconscious.
Jul 18, 2009 1 1
Doujinshi. A loli in a short skirt is given a drugged drink.
Jul 18, 2009 4 2
A nice sleeping gas scene. Good unconscious shot.
Jul 18, 2009 0 3
Power Girl is beaten up by Gorilla Grodd, and put into a chamber which tries to get inside her brain.
Jul 13, 2009 36 6
A great piece of art by Lost One Zero. Storm from X-Men is being chloroformed by her evil "double" (could it be Mystique?). Contributed by LoZ (Lost One Zero).
Jul 12, 2009 8 1
Male Female


A humorous strip. It's supposed to show how women used to be captured back in caveman days. Contributed by digdid (c3c).
Jul 09, 2009 0 1
French. The woman gets hit on the head, which knocks her out. She's bound and gagged. Contributed by digdid (c3c).
Jul 09, 2009 2 2
TIme for a little change of pace. Thought some people might be interested in seeing Sonic getting knocked out, so I am posting this scene. He's bound unconscious as well. For fans of guys in distress.
Jul 09, 2009 1 5
Dutch. Both boys get knocked out. I've also learned that "nee" means "no" in the Dutch language.
Jul 09, 2009 1 1
The sexy damsel gets knocked out and carried to an alter for sacrifice. Contributed by c3c (Covers).
Jul 09, 2009 1 2
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