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Dutch comic. This scene is very hard to spot, almost missed it my first flip through. The monsters use various forms of gas on the good guys, and they just happen to use sleeping gas on the girl. She gets tied up right after.
Jun 30, 2009 1 3
A rare sleeping dust scene. Features the lovely Cheetara. Contributed by (Suicide).
Jun 30, 2009 3 4
I think this is a great scene. Susan is a cop in this issue. A couple of crooks catch her off guard and gas her. They tie her up and put her in a basement. She remains drugged for most of the issue. Gas is later used on some of the crooks. Contributed by (Suicide).
Jun 30, 2009 0 7
Franco/Belgium comic. From the creators of Natacha. Warning: nudity.
Jun 30, 2009 12 3
Dutch comic. Nice scene. Some uniform stealing going on too! Contributed by (Suicide).
Jun 30, 2009 3 2
Dutch comic. Crappy male chloro. There are two female chloros in issue #2 that are nice.
Jun 30, 2009 1 2
Dutch comic. Very awesome find! There are two chloroform scenes in this issue alone. There is also a male chloro in issue #1, for a total of 3 chloros in this series.
Jun 30, 2009 6 5
Dutch comic. Very nice find. The main girl gets chloroformed in a car. Wakes up bound and gagged.
Jun 30, 2009 2 2
Dutch comic. Boy first gets chloroformed, and then the bad guys use the fumes on the girl.
Jun 30, 2009 2 2
This is a different version of Zatanna (it doesn't look like her normal costume). She doesn't pass out from the chloroform. We don't even know if the cloth was soaked.
Jun 30, 2009 2 1
Good doujinshi find. Girl doesn't actually pass out from the chloroform, she is tazered from behind.
Jun 30, 2009 18 4
Dutch detective comic. Just a horrible, horrible scene. But it's a chloro, so I'll take it.
Jun 30, 2009 0 1
Cute little scene. Last place I'd ever expect to see a chloro. Contributed by
Jun 30, 2009 2 3
Queen Badra of the destroyed planet Hator uses her super-speed to zap WW with her stingray, ties her up with the magic lasso, then hauls her up into the stratosphere, planning to hurl her down to her doom. Badra is a rare example of a villainess who beats Wonder Woman in a straight-up fight.
Jun 29, 2009 1 4
No description.
Jun 27, 2009 0 2
No description.
Jun 27, 2009 3 1
Male Female


In this scene from Warlord, Volume 1, Issue #13 (DC, July 1978), the sexy redhaired swordswoman Mariah, along with Warlord and Machiste, gets KOed by a "jungle trap"! Contributed by gytalf2000.
Jun 25, 2009 0 4
This is a terrific knockout of Wonder Woman. She is taken completely by surprise, rendered immediately unconscious by a powerful blast, and then bound by her bracelets while she is senseless. Very erotic to a sleepy fetishist like myself! It is the type of scene that has become vanishingly rare in modern comics! Contri...
Jun 24, 2009 13 4
This scene is from Daredevil, Volume 1, Issue #111 (Marvel, July 1974). It has always annoyed me that the KO scene itself is not shown, but rather implied -- I have always supposed that the Silver Samurai brought the pommel of his sword down upon Shanna's head for a knockout blow. However, we are treated to a fairly ni...
Jun 24, 2009 0 3
This scene occurs in Comics Cavalcade #15, published July 1945. This was an anthology comic published by DC, and all of the first 29 issues lead off with an original Wonder Woman story. Found at
Jun 15, 2009 6 1
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