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Contributed by Gabknight2005.
Jun 14, 2009 2 1
Contributed by Gabknight2005.
Jun 01, 2009 3 1
Male Female


Keywords: gabknight, black and white, Italian, single page
Jun 01, 2009 7 1
Johan handgags a damsel named Jeela. Contributed by somedude37.
May 28, 2009 0 1
A damsel named Lorena is chloroformed in her castle chamber. Contributed by somedude37.
May 28, 2009 2 1
Johan busts down a door in a castle and finds a damsel named Zora bound and OTM/OTN gagged on a bed. Contributed by somedude37.
May 28, 2009 6 2
Male Female


In Glory #9 (Image Comics, January 1996), Glory is knocked out by a powerful punch from a character named "Safeguard".
May 26, 2009 5 3
A beautiful young woman named Sunya is a prisoner of some evil wizard guy. She's held in a bedroom chamber of his fortress, bound and snugly over-the-nose gagged. Contributed by somedude37.
May 25, 2009 2 2
A damsel named Rosamond is surprised from behind and hand gagged in a barn stable. Contributed by somedude37.
May 25, 2009 0 1
A damsel named Myradia is discovered bound and OTM/OTN gagged at the end of the story. It seems that she was tied up and replaced (?) by a disguised Demoniah throughout the story. Contributed by somedude37.
May 25, 2009 1 1
After capturing the sexy villainess Demoniah, Johan leaves her bound and tightly over-the-nose gagged in a little cabin. Unfortunately, the crafty sorceress creates enough friction rubbing her bonds against the post to burn them and free herself. Contributed by somedude37.
May 25, 2009 4 2
A cavewoman damsel named Tanya is hand gagged. Contributed by somedude37.
May 25, 2009 1 1
Two Amazon warriors are left bound and OTN gagged during a battle after being knocked out by Johan and another guy. Not sure which guys tied them. Contributed by somedude37.
May 25, 2009 2 1
A damsel named named Yezera gets hand gagged by some baddies in a jungle. Contributed by somedude37.
May 25, 2009 0 1
Male Female


Photobucket is useless.
May 25, 2009 1 1
In this scene from pages 22 and 26 of Avengers #164 (October 1977), the Wasp is KOed by flying shrapnel when the villain Power Man tosses a vehicle through the wall of Avengers Mansion! Yellowjacket then picks the unconscious heroine up -- we are treated to two very sexy scenes where she is out cold in his arms!
May 22, 2009 6 5
The Unthinkable Hybrid #1. The ingenue, Betty Jo Carlson, and her kid brother are ko'd in a car crash and rescued by the Hybrid, a monster. Contributed by kelvin42.
May 22, 2009 1 1
Princess Kin-Lien is handgagged by a ninja in her bedroom, but meddlesome do-gooder Johan once again spoils the possibility of further bondage. Darn. Contributed by somedude37.
May 22, 2009 1 2
Galaxa handgags villainess Demoniah during a struggle. I think she's trying to prevent her from uttering a spell. Contributed by somedude37.
May 22, 2009 0 1
A damsel named Marivoniq is kidnapped by some fake sea ghosts and taken aboard their ship. When Johan comes to rescue her he finds her bound and OTM gagged in one of the ship's cabins. Contributed by somedude37.
May 21, 2009 0 3
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