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It wasn't the drinkn, but t he allergic reaction to a food product, in this story-line flash-back.
Sep 11, 2008 1 2
Male Female


Wonder Woman carried. She's presumably been rendered unconscious by an attack of crows (?) between issues #66 and #67. Contributed by Gabknight2005.
Sep 08, 2008 4 1
Male Female


A lawyer has a crisis of consciousness and decide not to defend a drug smuggler.The drug lord has her abducted to convince her of the error of her way. Sadly, her passing out is not shown... Contributed by Gabknight2005.
Sep 08, 2008 3 1
Male Female


Eva chloroformed by false policeman Contributed by stefanb37.
Sep 07, 2008 8 3
Eva (masked) chloroformed Contributed by stefanb37.
Sep 07, 2008 5 4
Pepper Potts gets chloroformed in a parking garage. Happens on second page of this issue. Contributed by Suicide (Western Civilization).
Sep 05, 2008 12 2
Male Female


Eva is punched out to be saved while trying to suicide. Plus as Bonus : Diabolik knocked out with neck chop 2 policewoman to save Eva. Contributed by stefanb37.
Sep 03, 2008 4 6
Male Female


Eva (masked) is knocked out with a neck chop. Nice wake scene. Contributed by stefanb37.
Sep 03, 2008 3 4
Female Female


Eva ( masked ) is knocked out to the head from a crazy old lady and tied up with chains Contributed by stefanb37.
Sep 01, 2008 5 5
Lakota is kidnapped by Dr. Frankenstein and temporarily put into a death sleep, via hypo. Could have been a better scene. I just have the 5 pages here.
Sep 01, 2008 1 5
I filed this under paralysis. More like entombment. Real cool scene ,as they are actually still awake. Classic. Guy alert!
Sep 01, 2008 0 1
Male Female


Nice little panel of damsel chloro'd in back of auto.
Sep 01, 2008 2 1
No K.O. here, just the old damsel-trapped-in-flaming house bit.
Sep 01, 2008 1 3
No K.O. panel, just the aftermath of the damsel stretched out over the ant pit!!!
Sep 01, 2008 0 1
This scene also features a gassing, just in case the blunt force trauma wasn't enough!I thibk the bondage is implied, however.
Sep 01, 2008 0 2
A few redone pages from Wonder Woman #36 vol1. This first one features a double K.O. One head K.O. the other via sleep gas!On the same page,yet!!!
Sep 01, 2008 3 3
Male Female


head ko Contributed by stefanb37.
Aug 31, 2008 4 2
Miscellaneous gas scenes.
Aug 26, 2008 0 3
Male Female


No description.
Aug 26, 2008 0 3
Male Female


YES!! Fanny gets "chloroformed" (no cloth). Still, this is my favorite find from Kiekeboe.
Aug 26, 2008 9 4
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