Kagome angers a demon causing him to launch a blast of hot breath at her. Kagome gets knocked out and Shippo tries to wake her up. The demon then carries her away. Kagome wakes up in the demon's lair, where he is preparing to eat her.
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Someone blows sleeping gas into Tony's face, causing her to fall asleep onto a couch. She later wakes up. Credit goes to the original capturer.
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Don't know the name of this anime. A cute girl gets grabbed. A vial of sleeping gas is placed under her nose and she fall asleep. Credit goes to the original capturer.
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Yet another missed opportunity for a perfect chloro scene. It had all the elements of a good scene, except for the fact that the damsel does not fall asleep. Such a shame. Credit goes to the original capturer.
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This is not a real chloro. I thought it was when I saw the screenshot, but it's just some dude wiping a girl's face with a white napkin. Despite that, it sure looks like he's giving her the cloth.
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This clip is from the French animated film "Renaissance". The girl opens her car door only to find her dog dead (or limp, either way it's kind of sad). Her assailant then quickly puts a cloth over her mouth. A good wake up scene follows.
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I decided to combine two scenes from the episodes "Fearless Ferret" and "Crush" because they both had a similar theme: KO'd by a stink formula. Don't know why Disney likes to make these scenes, probably too afraid to mention "knockout gas".
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