I was very pleased with this find. The clip starts off with a girl getting head KO'd by a ninja. Elisa comes out and starts to fight off the ninjas, until the bad guy shoots her with a dart. She falls asleep in a long drawn out scene. I highly recommend it.
Size: 4.3 MB
In this classic scene from the FF cartoon, Sue Storm gets gassed and captured by the Puppet Master. This roughly corresponds to Sue Storm's gassing in Fantastic Four v1 #8. Credit goes to the original capturer.
Size: 6.0 MB
There are two scenes here. First the girl is handgagged and chloroformed. The chloroform doesn't put her to sleep at first. In another scene, she is chloroformed again and this time it knocks her out. The combination of handgags and chloros make this one of the best anime clips ever. Contributed by Lost One Zero.