Original artwork from https://www.deviantart.com/renemicheletti/art/Wonder-Woman-Oscar-818937849
It appears to depict the aftermath of Wonder Woman getting chloroformed by a Sesame Street character. I like the art, so wanted to save it to my site.
Art based off a blast KO scene from an old JLA comic...
Second pic:
Wonder Woman KO'd by Blockbuster
Third pic:
Art based off an issue of Guy Gardner's Warrior...in which Wonder Woman was punched out
Gwen Stacey, known as Ghost Spider in this issue, is knocked out and captured by The Jackal. The Jackal enlists the help of a scientist who concocted a sedative.
The Leviathan underboss Wishbone faint due to exhaustion but is shortly thereafter reawakend by another Leviathan member.
Source: https://readcomiconline.org/comic/the-silencer.html
After being hit by a bullet bouncing off of Superman and having the wound closed by his heat vision, Wonder Woman falls unconcious. However, since she's still struggeling with the greek god of death Thanatos, the Justice League employs Raven to heal her.
Source: https://readcomiconline.org/comic/justice-league-2016.htm...
During the fight against a infection-like being known as "The Darkness", multible female character are briefly knocked out including an infected Wonder Woman, an infected Jessica Cruz and a future version of Queen Hippolyta known as "Sovereign".
Source: https://readcomiconline.org/comic/justice-league-2016.html...