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The Jedi Nomi Sumrider is mentally attacked and knocked out for a moment. Source: ReadComicsOnline
Aug 10, 2019 0 2
The renegade Sith Lady Exal Kreesh is seen sleeping in a pod. Source: ReadComicsOnline
Aug 10, 2019 0 1
The Dark Side Witch Aleema Keto is knocked out by the fallen Jedi turned Sith Lord Exar Kun. Source: ReadComicsOnline
Aug 10, 2019 0 3
The injured double agent Morrigan Corde, disguised as her alter ego Nyna Calixte, is healed by her son Cade Skywalker and falls unconcious. Source: ReadComicsOnline
Aug 08, 2019 0 1
The Anzat assassin Nakia Yoru is stunned by the imperial pilot and agent Gunn Yage and taken captive. Source: ReadComicsOnline
Aug 08, 2019 2 4
The Kiffu Guardian Ahnah Rawk is knocked out by the bounty hunter Jariah Syn using a small Yuuzhan Vong bioweapon. Source: ReadComicsOnline
Aug 08, 2019 0 3
The female Zabrak Jedi Master Mai is knocked out by the bounty hunter Jariah Syn. Source: ReadComicsOnline
Aug 08, 2019 0 1
In a battle with her former apprentice Cade Skywalker, the Sith Lady Darth Talon is wounded and falls unconcious. Source: ReadComicsOnline
Aug 08, 2019 0 7
The imperial princess Marasiah Fel is severely wounded slipping in and out of conciousness. She is carried to the ship of the former Jedi Cade Skywalker where she is healed. Source: ReadComicsOnline
Aug 08, 2019 0 10
The Je'daii Ranger Rori Fenn is knocked out by the renegade Je'daii Daegen Lok. Source: ReadComicsOnline
Aug 06, 2019 3 4
The Force Hound Xesh saves the Je'daii Shae Koda from drowning and carries her away. Source: ReadComicsOnline
Aug 06, 2019 0 2
The Force Hound Trill is knocked out by the Je'daii Sek’nos Rath and carried away. Source: ReadComicsOnline
Aug 06, 2019 1 2
The Je'daii Tasha Ryo is knocked out by the Force Hound Xesh. Source: ReadComicsOnline
Aug 06, 2019 0 2
Starfire gets beat up by a jello monster.
Aug 02, 2019 2 2
An unconscious Lady M is carried to a hearse and placed inside a coffin.
Jul 28, 2019 1 3
Nico Robin loses consciousness after Gecko Moria steals her shadow.
Jul 24, 2019 2 3
Nami is kidnapped and given a sleeping potion by Absalom. She spends all of volume 48 unconscious.
Jul 24, 2019 3 12
Señorita Rio is bound and gagged in her very first issue.
Jul 15, 2019 2 2
Male Female


Rachel Summers gets kidnapped Source: ReadComicsOnline
Jul 11, 2019 1 4
Gretel is hit with a tranquilizer dart and wakes up tied to a chair.
Jun 29, 2019 2 3
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