The wife of a hypnotist is put in a trance and buried alive only to be dug up prematurely by a worried audience member.
Reprinted from Crime Mysteries #9.
Black Widow betrays Tony Stark, killing his butler Jarvis and holding him at gun point, however Tony is able to paralyze her using nanites that he injected into her bloodstream and than knocks her unconscious with a wine bottle.
It's pretty embarrassing for Wonder Woman.. looking all tough and attacking first .. to be tossed out the window and landing on the pavement.. pretty embarrassing
Source: online somehwere
Cheetara get's KO'ed.. the cover makes it look like she got beat up by another female but instead she knocked herself out running into a boulder. What is more embarrassing?
Source: online somehwere
Is there anything more worthy than seeing Wonder Woman being carried in someone's arms like a baby? that happens a LOT this issue, by another woman. I wish the cover had cleaner lines.. it would be perfect. But, in a rarity for modern comics, she is helpless and carried like a baby for much of the issue. Love how her a...
The Gist: a group of guys kidnap a woman off the road.
Contributed by Nephenthal
The Gist: A bad nurse chloroforms a woman to take her to an operation.
Contributed by Nephenthal