The sexy main female is chloroformed in a parking garage by someone dressed as a janitor. The 'janitor' turns out to be another sexy woman.
Chapter 18
Found by Nephenthal
From The Limited Series in 1999 Captain America. Here we see Rikki in limp form, arm carried after Captain America saves her from drowning.
Source: Comicvine
Jean Grey went unconscious after confronting with the Phoenix Force ,so Emma Frost and the older "ghost" Jean Grey try find a way to wake her up.
From the He Man and The Masters of The Universe Episode. The Cat and The Spider. Teela is knocked out, we get a nice view of a limp Teela, before she is placed on the ground still out like a light.
Source: Youtube
The Magdalena is lifted unconscious by a swarm of Darklings as Jackie stares ahead angrily.
Catwoman punches out Poison Ivy to release her hold on Harley Quinn. Supergirl, who is in the room with Batman and Harley, briefly faints as Ivy's control is broken.