Poor Diamondback is really being put through the mill in this storyline. Here she is injured, knocked out, drowning, carried, awakens, then falls into a snake infested pit. They really don't make 'em like this anymore.
Another great issue. The unconscious Diamondback, in her tattered costume, is in need of constant rescuing by Cap. He carries her to safety. Later she goes off on a scuba mission.
A good issue. Diamondback is rescued from the box she was put into last issue, then she is knocked out in a parachute fall, and finally by a blow dart. And her costume is suffering more and more damage...
Brock Sampson lifts Molotov Cocktease over his head, about to throw her into the plane engine. he is stopped by colonel gathers and he throws the suit instead (that has the same frame as Molotov)
Source: http://kimcartoon.me/Cartoon/The-Venture-Bros-Season-05/Episode-005?id=15124
In the days when Marvel comics were fun, Captain America and Paladin struggle into Black Mamba and Asp's costumes while they take costumes from fallen henchgirls. Mamba and some henchgirls get blasted.