Two KOs from Ms. Marvel #16.
1) Namorita is KOed by Tiger Shark (see also: the cover to Ms. Marvel #15).
2) Ms. Marvel's breathing pill wears off and she passes out while underwater.
In a very violent scene, Princess Projectra (who has gone bonkers) attacks poor Phantom Girl and leaves her severely injured.
She is next seen in Legion hospital.
The story line was never resolved as the final issue of this series didn't explain anything.
DC need to stop rebooting the LSH.
Mockingbird surrenders to Dr. Demonicus and his gang along with US Agent. She manages to free Agent who in turn smashes her cuffs. Alas, in the next issue, while Agent gets away, Bobbi, making the sacrifice play to buy him time, gets KO'd and recaptured.
Really nice close-up of Bobbi's bound hands. Those manacles...