Duo Damsel is now Triplicate Girl again. She receives a triple punch from a Green Lantern. Sadly her costume has become more conservative in line with other such changes. Saturn Girl is also zapped.
While the art is a little muddy, the current storyline is probably the best the LSH ever had. Darkseid is in action against the Legion, and there are some great set pieces.
Not a great deal of Sleepy interest in these two issues, but we do get a good show of an unconscious Phantom Girl.
Shadow Lass has a disastrous new costume. Gone is the bikini unfortunately.
Princess Projectra is overcome again and tied to a take. Other Legionnaires come to her aid but they are blasted. Everyone gets tied to a stake.
After they escape and win the day, Projectra faints.
Princess Projectra is overcome again and tied to a stake. Other Legionairres come to he aid but they are blasted. Everyone is tied to a stake. After escaping, poor Projectra faints.
Legion trainees Lamprey and Nightwind are blasted by Wildfire after showing him some affection. We then get Wildfire's origin and a shot of him carrying his unconscious ex.
Insect Queen gets trapped in a net, and Saturn Girl is awakened. Phantom Girl is finally reunited with Ultra Boy, and they head off to leave to 'catch up'.
Phantom Girl is sad because Ultra Boy disappeared last issue. They think him dead, and stage a funeral, but no. He has just lost his memory and has signed up as a pirate.
On his first mission - in the entire universe - he comes up against the lovely but hopeless PG, and she ends up paying another visit to the Legio...