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Dawnstar is menaced and electrocuted. Please could you add this to the existing Saturn Girl entry? Thanks.
Oct 12, 2017 0 3
A quickie of Scarlet Witch getting bonked on the head to prevent her from freeing the minds of the Squadron Supreme.
Oct 12, 2017 0 1
A collection of KOs from the backup story "Killer Bimbos from the Amazon World."
Oct 12, 2017 1 6
Dawnstar is battered in rather more violent scenes than is usual for the Legion.
Oct 11, 2017 0 7
White Witch faints and Dawnstar is KO'd.
Oct 11, 2017 0 4
A grieving Cosmic Boy is having a heart to heart with Night Girl, when he suddenly blasts her through a wall and goes off on a rampage.
Oct 11, 2017 0 2
Duo Damsel is now Triplicate Girl again. She receives a triple punch from a Green Lantern. Sadly her costume has become more conservative in line with other such changes. Saturn Girl is also zapped.
Oct 11, 2017 0 2
While the art is a little muddy, the current storyline is probably the best the LSH ever had. Darkseid is in action against the Legion, and there are some great set pieces.
Oct 11, 2017 0 7
Not a great deal of Sleepy interest in these two issues, but we do get a good show of an unconscious Phantom Girl. Shadow Lass has a disastrous new costume. Gone is the bikini unfortunately.
Oct 11, 2017 0 3
Phantom Girl is KO'd and blasted a couple of times, while Saturn Girl is knocked out back at HQ.
Oct 11, 2017 0 5
Light Lass and Saturn Girl are unconscious and carried.
Oct 11, 2017 0 5
Princess Projectra is overcome again and tied to a take. Other Legionnaires come to her aid but they are blasted. Everyone gets tied to a stake. After they escape and win the day, Projectra faints.
Oct 11, 2017 0 7
Princess Projectra is overcome again and tied to a stake. Other Legionairres come to he aid but they are blasted. Everyone is tied to a stake. After escaping, poor Projectra faints.
Oct 11, 2017 0 5
Princess Projectra is ridden down by a knight in armour. On the cover Dream Girl and Shrinking Violet lie unconscious.
Oct 11, 2017 1 3
Legion trainees Lamprey and Nightwind are blasted by Wildfire after showing him some affection. We then get Wildfire's origin and a shot of him carrying his unconscious ex.
Oct 10, 2017 0 4
Insect Queen gets trapped in a net, and Saturn Girl is awakened. Phantom Girl is finally reunited with Ultra Boy, and they head off to leave to 'catch up'.
Oct 10, 2017 0 7
Princess Projectra is knocked out by some plants.
Oct 10, 2017 0 4
Phantom Girl is sad because Ultra Boy disappeared last issue. They think him dead, and stage a funeral, but no. He has just lost his memory and has signed up as a pirate. On his first mission - in the entire universe - he comes up against the lovely but hopeless PG, and she ends up paying another visit to the Legio...
Oct 10, 2017 0 4
Phantom Girl gets fried and ends up in hospital again.
Oct 10, 2017 0 3
Light Lass falls while unconscious. Meanwhile Saturn Girl is bound in some gizmo.
Oct 10, 2017 1 6
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