Earth 616's Jessica Drew/Spider Woman is transported to an alternate earth. She proceeds to quickly knock out that earth's Spider Woman (she's evil) and Mary Jane (also evil).
In the story "Emergency Duck" Donald works at the Duckburg Zoo as a caretaker, aided by a rather cute female duck dispatcher named Penny. He is extremely successful, but this draws the ire of the zoo's cleaner, Bob, who is stuck with all the dirty and smelly jobs. So, Bob tries to sabotage Donald repeatedly by trying t...
After being swarmed by a love-crazed mob, Wonder Woman finds and attacks Eros, the god of love responsible, only to be rendered magically comatose by one of his love arrows. Wonder Girl Yara Flor rescues Diana just in time.
Jubilee, Boom-Boom, and Dazzler are drugged during a girl's night out by vampires. Only Boom-Boom is shown unconscious later, though.
The four-issue run is quite the fun read though! Recommend you check it out!
The supervillain Star is ambushed and knocked out via energy gun blast by Nick Fury disguised as Falcon.
This scene is explains how Star winds up being discovered by Felicia and her crew in in Black Cat #8 ( )
Harley kidnaps Zatanna in order to acquire a more exciting 'origin story'. Judging from the dialogue, Zatanna seems to have been feigning unconsciousness off-screen. Wish we could have seen that too!
Despite the title, this issue features Storm falling into a coma due to mysterious circumstances. Jean and Emma then delve into Ororo's mind to try and cure her.
Black Cat breaks the villainess Star (last seen here out of a stasis casket. This is followed by a nice shot of her waking up to Felicia recruiting her for a heist!
Power Girl crashes from outer space right in front of Harley Quinn. Harley then decides to haul her back to her apartment to recover. When it is made clear that Power Girl has temporarily lost her memory, Harley decides to strip her and stuff her into a new costume, intending to turn the amnesiac heroine into her own s...
The beautiful Mirith Sinn is captured by Carnor Jax and his men. The red-headed Rebel commander is strung up and viciously tortured with electric prods during her interrogation but proves resilient. However, it's implied that she eventually passes out from torture.
In the subsequent scenes, Sinn wakes up in her cell...