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The villainous sorceress Circe has taken control of the minds of several heroes, amongst whom is the amazon Artemis of Bana-Mighdall. The possessed Artemis attacks Superman, but is interrupted by Wonder Woman. It then takes Batman over two dozen tranquillizer darts to render her unconscious. A surprised Batman notes...
Sep 27, 2017 1 3
Spider Woman touches an electrocuted rope. We don't really get a good KO shot.
Sep 27, 2017 1 3
With a war raging between the Avengers and the X-Men, some young mutants are brought to Avengers Academy to keep them out of the conflict. But trouble soon follows, and Tigra (Greer Grant) and other adults at the school think that Sebastian Shaw is out to kill the young students in an effort to hurt Emma Frost. Hav...
Sep 27, 2017 4 6
Provoked by the Avengers, the X-Men defend the Jean Grey School against their unwanted interference. Rogue (Anna Marie) initially tries to stay out of the battle, but she is eventually forced into the melee. She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters) proves no match for the powerful mutant, and ends up knocked out twice in quick succ...
Sep 27, 2017 0 6
Male Female


Batgirl is fighting Catwoman when Croc comes up and slams them both. Batgirl is knocked out. Later in the issue Catwoman (out of costume) is meeting Bruce when it turns out to be a trap and she is captured. (Not sure what was wrong with Bruce, I just skimmed it looking for ko scenes)
Sep 27, 2017 2 5
Spider Woman is blasted and is out for a while. Some nice dialogue of Spider Woman trying to stay conscious. I forgot which issue the scene is from.
Sep 27, 2017 1 4
Flash knocks out a girl. I am unsure where these pictures came from. Source: Comic
Sep 26, 2017 2 3
Laura Matsuda get's KO'd by a water creature and is taken away underwater, floating in an air bubble.
Sep 26, 2017 1 3
A scene from a mini-comic, printed in He-Man and the Masters of the Universe TPB vol. 2 In this story, The Sorceress fights Hordak, and gets knocked out by a villain named Dragster.
Sep 25, 2017 4 5
Sep 24, 2017 1 1
Final issue has a decent scene. Aphrodite is knocked out during a fight with a fearsome enemy.
Sep 24, 2017 1 4
Best scene I've found in a while. The main female lead, Aphrodite, is shown unconscious and fading in and out of consciousness. Really sexy good artwork.
Sep 24, 2017 2 7
First issue. The main female lead is hand gagged and shot with a tranquilizer dart. Sexy artwork!
Sep 24, 2017 1 4
No description.
Sep 24, 2017 1 3
Various covers and scenes from the He-Man mini comics.
Sep 23, 2017 2 6
A mini comic illustration with accompanying story. Teela gets captured during a fight with Skeletor. The illustration shows her carried while sleeping.
Sep 23, 2017 1 6
I really like this cover art by David Yardin. It features Jean Grey battling a giant sea eel monster. The cover features her in classic peril, with the eel wrapped around her body.
Sep 23, 2017 1 1
Nyoka is captured by amazons who tie her up and leave her at the mercy of man eating ants ! Source: old scanned page
Sep 22, 2017 0 2
First confrontation with Doctor Doom, and first bondage scene for Susan Source: old scanned page
Sep 22, 2017 0 1
No description.
Sep 21, 2017 1 4
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