Have searched for it over 3years, it´s a fanbased comic. Can´t say for sure who did draw it, reminded me slightly of Monsieur Paul. It´s all in B/W
Supergil is tied up in an office and she got gagged (probaly with a rope) hands tied behind her standing on her knees and Batgirl comes in and that´s all I remember, but think that a masked man(or woman) is behind it. Might also be that both Supergil and Batgirl gets naked.
Might be only 10-12 pages.
Know for sure it was posted at a yahoogroup. Hade it saved on my old computer that crashed so now I do really really wanna find it again.
Hope someone can help. And that it ain´t against the rules to atleast ask for this kiond of comic -with possible nudity.
sleep tight and tied
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