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These are three covers done by the very talented Alex Garner for upcoming issues of Wonder Woman. The one with WW under attack in an alley was originally commissioned for #605, but will apparently appear on #608. The one with Artemis, Cheetah and Giganta looking down into an open grave (ominous!) will apparently appear...
Mar 05, 2011 1 3
Psycho Warrior defeats the Legion (at least briefly) by making them live out their worst fears. Wish the interior art had been as good as the cover..enjoy! Source: blog
Mar 05, 2011 0 4
kinda nice one-panel ko of Saturn Girl by Valdus, the giant robot. Source: blog
Mar 05, 2011 1 1
By Sleepingnymph You can request a commision. Send me your script to [email protected]
Mar 04, 2011 16 4
If there were a comprehensive encyclopedia of golden age comic book superheroines, I'm sure it would say that Yankee Girl has the distinction of having the fewest stories ever published for a superheroine. I'm only referring to the golden age, mind you, not the years after the comic book code appeared (1954). . . . su...
Mar 02, 2011 0 8
In a rather overused plot, a wealthy investor discovers oil on land he owns jointly with several other members of his family. He plans to quietly offer to buy out each of the other owners, planning to carefully conceal his knowledge about any evidence of oil he found. However too many people are visiting the location...
Feb 28, 2011 0 10
Source: Keywords: DC comics, color, vines
Feb 27, 2011 6 1
Source: Keywords: harley quinn
Feb 27, 2011 4 1
Feb 27, 2011 3 1
Shadow Lass and Light Lass are captured by Deregon, whose evil plans are thwarted by the self-sacrifice of Element the followup issue, the vengance-minded Legion corners the currupt ruler and brings him to justice...but not before he manages to get the drop on Saturn Girl.. Source: blog
Feb 27, 2011 2 3
Shadow Lass, making her Legion debut, gets knocked out by the giant Valdus, but recovers in time to save the day and give a nice right uppercut to the evil Emerald Empress, earning her Legion stripes. Source: blog
Feb 27, 2011 0 3
An unconscious Dawnstar is carried into a hospital (LSH # 8) following her injury in Adventure Comics #521. She wakes up in LSH #10. Source: Comic
Feb 25, 2011 3 3
Saturn Girl lies unconscious. Keywords: cover
Feb 24, 2011 1 2
Dawnstar is injured in an explosion, and floats helplessly in space. Source: Comic
Feb 24, 2011 0 2
Poor Night Girl is knocked out a second time in this issue. Source: Comic
Feb 24, 2011 0 2
Here is a Phantom Lady KO scene from the early 1980s! Source: My Comic Book Collection
Feb 24, 2011 0 1
Briar gassed again. Source: Artist said she'd accept commission ideas
Feb 24, 2011 2 1
Feb 21, 2011 4 1
Shrinking Violet is hypnotized by Brianiac 5 in order to restore her self-confidence. Since it seems like she was sleeping in the nude,and she's fully-costumed when she comes to...the question here is, uh, WHO dressed her?! Why, Brainiac 5, you nerdy,green-skinned,little pervert, you... Source: blog
Feb 21, 2011 4 3
Saturn Girl and Princess Projectra engage in physical and mental combat , knocking each other unconscious in a very rare inter-Legion catfight from 1971. They were being mind-controlled as part of a ransom plot, if memory serves.. Source: blog
Feb 21, 2011 1 2
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