A double dose of KO goodness from the 70's Legion via Jim Shooter and Mike Grell. In the first story, Legion stallwarts, including Phantom Girl, Shrinking Violet and Saturn Girl get a beat down from aspiring Legionaires (the Legion heroes team up to beat them in the rematch, of course). In the second, little-used Nigh...
Black Widow looked great in the first 8 issues of Amazing Adventures, and then without warning or explanation, she was dropped . . . what a shame. In this story she is investigating a teen-age drug gang, when one of the gang members wants to quit the racket - - to the chagrin of the other gang members. Black Widow fi...
Pretty descent KO scene of the unconscious Esmeraldo being carried to safety in the disney classic "The Hunchback of Notre-dame"
Source: bluray
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-kU-3-Zi9w
The Justice League are fighting Gorilla Grodd's Secret Society. Wonder Woman is battling Sinestro when Grodd orders The Parasite to drain her unconscious. Meanwhile Hawkgirl, pursuing Killer Frost, is knocked out by a sleeping gas trap. The villains pile up the two unconscious heroines, and later on we see them display...
Storm faints after being inhabited by the shadowking who has used up all her powers/energy.
Source: bluray
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5d_tf4DcHk
Emma frost sort of leaves her unconscious body behind as her mind leaves for the astral plane.
Source: bluray
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iv3rGx2cgtg
Alexis is abducted because she is disguised as someone else. They use chloroform and later find out she's not her by revealing her real hair color. She is saved afterwards.
Great scenes from the series finale of Superman TAS.
Source: dvd
Video 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1klIEDS5EHw
Video 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrs50rUgtlc
The girl makes a classic mistake when trying to help:
She saps the Saint's head, instead of the bad guy's.
Then, shocked by guilt, she faints...
The villain, promptly thanks her and prepares to send her from this world... Literally.
He comments, snickering, that she is better to handle unconscious... There are ve...