Bill Black is my one and only honest to God living hero. He started AC comics (Americomics) in the early 70's and has consistently provided us with hundreds of GGA/DID stories to stimulate and keep our juices flowing. Dragonfly was one of his early 80's innovations, and sadly he discontinued her -- not because of poor...
Power Girl is mentally overwhelmed into unconsiousness, and the power of her scream also ko's The Huntress. Psycho Pirate, who's behind the whole mess, inflicts some verbal torment on the heroine when she comes to.
Source: Blog
From 'Suzie', a backup feature very much influenced by Bill Ward's "Torchy'. Suzie was a ditzy blonde, recruited for an assembly line during wartime. Two pretty good scenes, included the spash because it's funny!
Source: Digital Comics Museum
Wonder Woman get's knocked out by a plasma gun. Flash creates a tornado to catch her limp body.
Source: dvd
A robot arm carries an unconscious firestar. Knockout not shown unfortunately, but it was something like an energy drain or something.
Source: dvd
Kraven the hunter keeps a groggy Firestar prisoner. When she tries to escape he gasses her unconscious
Source: dvd
Firestar tries to escape from Kraven's hideaway, but when she flies over a vulcano Kraven hits her with freezing gas and she looses consciousness.
I think this is a great scene!
Source: dvd
Great KO Sequence of Firestar. Kraven the hunter wants to kidnap her and uses a freezing gas boomerang on her. She looses consciousness and Kraven catches her.
Source: dvd
Video here:
Storm get's stunned by an electric ray into unconsciousness brief arm carry and OTS carry.
Source: dvd
Storm gets shot from the air and is unconscious. Wolverine arm carries her for a brief bit
Source: dvd
URL to video: