A Black and White Spanish comic book, "Bionika" was kind of a combination of "The Bionic Woman" and "Knight Rider"...the title character was a former athelete, bionically enhanced due to a car accident. She and her talking car (named "CAR"!) drove around the world fighting crime. Most of her adventures are too r-rated...
The famous masked man of Spanish comic books, Fantomas battles the Son of Hitler (complete with 70's disco jeans and rock star hair)...in a five issue story arc.
In this sequence Libra, one of Fantomas' lovely female assistants is captured by Hitler Jr. and Martin Boorman, drugged by Boorman and subjected to mind cont...
Although we do not know their names, the artists who sketched Nyoka must have changed several times in the course of her long 77 issue run. One reason for believing that is the case is the occasional random and noticeable improvement in her sexiness (specifically: legs, face and bosom). She simply looks better in the ...
Rogue's unconscious body is strung up as a trophy, while her smugly grinning captors pose with the defeated heroine for a photograph.
A truly spectacular cover.
It's too bad we do not know who wrote the Nyoka stories, because the man (or woman) was a master story teller. In the first story in issue #10 the pretty- but-not-very-sexy (due to flat chest and skinny legs) jungle girl is investigating smoke coming from a long extinct and supposedly inert volcano when she stumbles o...
Seldom at a loss for new and unique distressful situations, Nyoka in the second story of issue #9 is faced with two bad guys who are pitted against one another, and Nyoka, though on the sidelines, is caught in the crossfire. Basically, it is a bizarre tale about a well-to-do Chinese Mandarin (aren't all Mandarins well...
It's a "no-brainer" sometimes to say "comic books are fanciful" but I'll say it anyway. . . . anything is possible in comic books, and Nyoka stories are no exception to this rule. In issue #8 the petite jungle girl meets "Jee-Raf Jed" the American born, owner of a Giraffe ranch deep in the jungles of darkest Africa. ...
While in a restaurant, a selfish barder drugs Mowgli's water while he is eatting and passes out. Includes a passout and a carry scene.
Source: Wikipedia
What a great issue Nyoka #7 was. Already appearing on this website are pics from the first exciting story in this very stimulating issue, and now here are pics from the second story. As I've said many times, what made her great was the writer's concept of using serial type stories, with multiple chapters, and at the e...
Nyoka got her own title in 1945 and issue #7 came out in '47. True to form she faced peril after peril in every issue. Sometimes I fantasize what a great thing it would have been if the writers of Wonder Woman, Sheena, Bulletgirl and a host of others had had the same concept as the writer of Nyoka did . . . namely Per...
In the March, 1946 issue of Nyoka peril comes at the famous jungle girl from all directions -- from an elephant stampede, to being offered as human sacrifice to an angry volcano god, to falling down and spraining an ankle. The basic plot is a fantasy tale involving a search for a "peace" plant which when imbibed makes...
Linda Turner (movie star) is the Black Cat in the 40's, and was a hit with all the GI's who collected her books for companionship during the lonely nights spent in the many foxholes across Europe. She would go on to get her own title after the war ended, but appeared in Speed from #17 to #44 while the war was still o...
If I live 50 more years and continue posting to this wonderful site the whole time, I do not believe I'll ever post as many DID pics from a single issue of a comic book as appears on this page. Nyoka the Jungle Girl #1 is a six chapter long serial virtually stacked with DID scenes. I only finally got to read #1 when I...
As I've said many times before, the perils Sheena experiences from story to story seem quite redundant . . . falling off a cliff, falling into water, fighting wild animals. There are a few original knockouts, but for the most part it is usually the same ol' same ol'. Still, she is always great to look at, and pics o...
Published in the Summer of 1949, Sheena comes up against some phony tour guides who lure rich tourists to Africa, take them on a safari, and while far from civilization, they rob and kill their victims. One of them flirts with Sheena when they first meet, but she does not like it one bit, and lets him know. When she ...
Bulletgirl was one of a small handful of pioneers introducing DID art to a generation of young men gone to war in faraway places like North Africa, Italy and Guam. Fawcett Publications did not fully realize the strong appeal of this kind of art, even though public pressure against it was still waiting to come years lat...
Apparantly the Willoughbys and the Kents of Eastern Kentucky had a serious feud in the distant past, and the Kents killed a lot of Willoughbys before it all ended. Many decades later, a descendent of the Willoughbys has vowed vengeance on the Kents, and to assist him, he kidnaps an electrical engineer who has invented...