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Titania given a sleeper hold then carried over the shoulder.Love those pink panties!
Aug 28, 2010 3 2
The Woman in Red is arguably the first masked comic book crime fighting heroine, having her start in March of 1940 in Thrilling Comics published by Standard/Nedor. She also made two appearances in America's Best Comic #'s 1 and 2 - - - why she was not continued in that title is not clear, but it was not a good decisio...
Aug 28, 2010 2 12
Her name is Taanda, and she is the red-headed ruler of the Tauruti tribe in darkest Africa; the year is 1951. Some white poachers are stealing animals already in traps set by the Tauruti tribesmen. Taanda discovers their felonious deeds and gives them a chance to give the stolen animals back. The baddies choose to fi...
Aug 27, 2010 2 6
More famous for illustrating Phantom Lady, it is still true that whenever Matt Baker does the art -- whoever it may be -- you know it will be the best ever. . . . and that is certainly the case in this Tiger Girl story. I have always had a special fondness for Tiger Girl anyway, but I suspect Matt's art is the basic r...
Aug 26, 2010 2 6
Zegra had a very short run, 4 issues in all, and all of them bearing her name in the title. There never was a #1 and these pics, taken from #5 were published in October 1948. This particular story features three small children in it, and my theory is that this was Fox Publication's way of trying to prove that comic b...
Aug 24, 2010 1 8
Fox Publications is well known for producing Phantom Lady and Rulah, but the golden age era had other lesser known greats, many of them short-lived, too short lived, if you ask me. Zegra is one of them. I think she looked great, but oddly, unlike Rulah, and Sheena, she had a very short run . . . and equally puzzling,...
Aug 23, 2010 6 6
Matt Baker is the absolute King of Good Girl Art, hands down. He did the cover for this issue of Phantom Lady, and its quality speaks for itself. However the pics from which this story was taken are graphic art renderings of another artist, Jack Kamen, who was quite good in his own way and worked on a number of great ...
Aug 23, 2010 7 6 Source: c3c
Aug 18, 2010 1 2
Fox, never shy about reprinting its old material under another title, seems to have put out this version of RULAH #17 two years or so after the orginal issue was published. Sleazy busness practices aside, there are a couple of nice ko's of the statuesque jungle girl.. Source: Digital Comics Museum
Aug 18, 2010 3 5
Spanish language reprint of the classic 1940's newspaper strip by the great Lee Falk. Here Diana Palmer, the Phantom's version of Lois Lane, gets kidnapped by a gang of girl pirates, and later almost drowns trying to stop their leader. Source: blog
Aug 18, 2010 1 3
Wonder Woman is the victim of mind control, despite her best efforts to fight off its effects. Scans are small, unfortunately. Source: Comicsworld
Aug 17, 2010 2 3
Sheena was always great looking, there is no denying that. And a lot of the time her stories were exciting, but not always. Bill Black once wrote in one of his Americomics editorial pages: "Sometimes Sheena stories can be downright boring." True, but even then, she looked great, right Bill? Most of her appearances w...
Aug 17, 2010 2 12
While trying to exit a prison area, Luffy gets put out by gas spraying from the ceiling Source: Hulu
Aug 16, 2010 0 3
In this popular scene, a swarm of moths gasses an entire town to unconsciousness time- 2:30-4:00 Source: Youtube
Aug 16, 2010 0 2
A piece of art I commissioned from mHunt where we see the wizard carry the unconscious invisible woman. Viewing point from his eyes. Hope you like it! Source: commission
Aug 16, 2010 1 1
A commission I had done by the talented mhunt, where Medusa is playing with an unconscous, knocked out invisible woman. Proudly displaying here limp enemy. Source: commision
Aug 16, 2010 5 1
This is the second set of pics from Sheena #2 (published in 1943) and these come from the third story in this issue; (elsewhere on this website pics from the second story in this same issue are posted for viewing.) In this story Sheena is knocked out and when she wakes up she does not know who she is (she has amnesia -...
Aug 08, 2010 2 17
This issue was published in 1943 with over a million GI's in foxholes across Europe. These provided a huge market base for Sheena books -- and it was nearly all an adult market, not teenage. As a result these early issues of Sheena, like nearly all stories of female crime-fighters during the war, are full of gga and ...
Aug 08, 2010 1 8
A crossover between french characters and The Witchblade. Art by Stephane Roux
Aug 07, 2010 2 2
In Wonder Woman, Volume 1, Issue #177 (DC, August 1968), the alien ruler "Klamos the Mighty" deicides to pit various females from across the universe in a battle to the death -- the winner will become his queen! He captures two superheroines from Earth: Wonder Woman and Supergirl. His underlings come across Supergirl a...
Aug 07, 2010 3 2
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