Ms. Mystic is stunned after being sideswiped by a prehistoric creature. She is rescued by a deformed mutant, and found by her love interest.
Source: Comicsworld
Red Sonja wakes up with a nice eye roll on an island. After she meets an inhabitant, he gives her a drugged drink after which she wakes up in his prison.
After chopping of the head of her enemy, Red Sonja faints from her wounds. Some big ogre rescues her and fixes her leg.
She is in bondage on the cover.
Red Sonja is grabbed by her throat by her enemy who then tries to choke her. Her eyes roll up into the back of her head and she almost passes out, but he lets go of right before that.
Red Sonja picks up a bracelet which is demonic or something. It causes a lot of pain for her and eventually it knocks her out, just to make her wake up from the pain again.
Colleen Wing and Tarantula were tortured by nerve eating bugs. When the team rescues them they are severely hurt and can barely walk, talk or do anything. After this incident the team disbanded and this became the final issue of Heroes for Hire.
A couple of arm carry shots and a couple of unconscious shots.
An awesome cover for #13 of Heroes for Hire. Black Cat, Colleen Wing and Misty Knight are in serious peril as they are tied up and surrounded by aliens and tentacles. Inside the comic they are bound and unconscious but not shown as well as on the cover.
A guy named Paladin is trying to kill Captain America and to do that he has to beat the Heroes for Hire including Misty Knight, Colleen Wing and Black Cat. He beats the first two in a fist fight while Black Cat takes Captain America´s shield to the face. The last picture shows them all unconscious.
Misty Knight is gassed unexpectedly by her enemy, Colleen Wing is hit by a robot when she tries to save Misty and Black Cat is just blasted in her back. Misty Knight is shown being held unconscious by her enemy.
Shao Kahn zaps Kitana with an energy ray after she finds out the truth about her past. He arm carries her away and she wakes up to remember nothing again.
Ms. Mystic arrives on a mysterious planet, only to be attacked and captured by an intergalactic mercenary..she escapes by using her feminine wiles.
Source: Comicsworld
Ms. Mystic was an early-90's book about a reincarnated witch who fought to save earth from various threats in a skintight bodystocking! Neil Adams did some of her early artwork, before farming it out to lesser talents...
The book was kind of a throwback to the 70's, which meant there were lots of k.o.'s administered t...
Wonder Woman and superhero Champion are frozen in ice while investigating a lost city in the Antarctic. The blocks of ice with them inside are then carried off and set up in a throne room.
Sonja overcome by a drugged goblet of mead, wakes to find herself about to be sacrificed to the undead Balik by an old hag...
Art by the legendary Frank Thorne.
Source: Comicsworld
Black Phantom is a sexy blonde who is a masked deputy to the town Sheriff, Red Mask, who also wears a mask. I love the idea that he wears a completely red old west cowboy outfit, and she wears a similar one all in dark blue. The dynamic old west duo ran for 14 issues from #42 to #56. however the sexy deputy does not a...