Please visit to find out how to order this comic. The issue has several physical KO scenes of the heroine, as well as a few great bondage scenes. It is well worth the $3.
Camilla hits her head on a rock, passes out and is then revived by friendly natives...only to be thrown into quicksand by evil white traders!
Source: GACD-UK
Yuri and Kei are in space and hit by a missile from their enemies. When their enemies go to check them out, they find their unconscious bodies floating in space. However, it turns out that they were just faking it.
A follow up to the previous issue. Kei wakes up in mummy-like bondage while Yuri is still asleep and lost in her memories. Kei starts using her hair to fight so the villains seal her head as well, cutting off her oxygen.
Kei then uses some mind swap to enter the body of Yuri and to try to get to her own body and fr...
Three scenes in this issue. In the first one Yuri knocks out some criminals with some sleeping gas.
Next, Kei is mind controlled by some villain and is forced to use her own shock glove on herself.
The final scene is Yuri who is gassed (the little sparks underneath her nose) and knocked unconscious with her eye...
In the final issue of this series, an unconscious Yuri is arm carried by Kei. In the end of issue 4, the fake Yuri dropped a building on top of Kei which she survived due to some shield. The fake Yuri can't finish Kei off though.
In the final scenes, the real Yuri has defeated the fake Yuri, but the fake one surpri...
Yuri is being chased by some wacked out fans and is almost hit by a rocket. The impact makes her fall and she lands on a table which knocks her unconscious. She wakes up in bondage and with a strap around her head.
Yuri is surprised by her evil counterpart who hits her in the face with a metal plate which knocks her unconscious. She wakes up being controlled by her counterpart with some cord which is connected to her neck. After some torture the real Yuri breaks free.
The cover features an unconscious and naked Yuri upside down with some cable in her neck. Inside the comic, some evil scientist has created a copy of Yuri with a copy of her consciousness and is programming her to be his servant while she's unconscious and naked on the examining table.