The cover features Kei holding an unconscious Yuri. Inside the comic, Yuri is hit by something while underwater. This causes her helmet to break and to lose oxygen and pass out. Kei saves her, but Yuri wakes up as some mind controlled puppet.
Kei is plugged into some Matrix like machine to evaluate her abilities and such. Something goes wrong so Yuri goes to check on her. What follows are some nice unconscious shots of Kei.
Yuri has been infected by some virus which makes her insane so Kei gasses her to protect her from herself. Kei then gets into a fight with a robot which knocks her out briefly as well. She is saved by some other robot who rescues both girls. Kei later wakes up and thanks the robot while Yuri stays asleep.
The girl, Chinami Hashimoto, has been bitten by a snake and is carried by the guy, trying to avoid a wild boar. When the boar hits the guy and starts to bleed, she faints because she can't stand blood. She wakes up later in the hospital.
Satsuki Kitaoji is trying to seduce the main character, Manaka, into having sex with her in the bath. Manaka refuses and runs away after which Satsuki slips over a bar of soap which knocks her out. Because she is naked, Manaka tries to put a towel over her body while she's unconscious until they are discovered by anoth...
Continued from the previous issue..Power Girl gets bandaged up by the team, and tells them how she ended up in their medvac unit. They join forces, defeat Pythia and go their seperate ways.
Source: Comicsworld
Power Girl battles Pythia, a harbinger of Evil Magics about to be released on Earth. She fights bravely, but is completely overwhelmed by her opponent. She gets tossed into Doom Patrol HQ, out cold.
Source: Comicsworld
From 1948, Tiger Girl ko'd by evil imposters, rescued by Abdullah, her faithful servant ..a little downtime later , the Jungle Siren recovers and saves the day!
I included the cover and splash page, classic Good Girl Art...Matt Baker again, I believe..
Source: Golden Age Comics Downloads U.K.
Buffy is knocked out by a burning demon who almost kills her but Buffy is saved by one of the 'L's of the Hollywood letters which falls on top of the demon.
Buffy is fighting a demon who killing Buffy's family members. The demon then kisses her which knocks her out, after which she devours Buffy's unconscious body. She wakes up in some nether realm.
Buffy is fighting some vampire king and is distracted by her sister. The vampire takes advantage by biting her, knocked her out in the process and then dumps her in the water. She isn't dead but just not breathing from the water. She later wakes up after CPR.
As usual, Buffy is fighting a demon on the graveyard and she is knocked unconscious by a hit in the back of her head. She wakes up when the demons try to put a snake in the back of her neck.