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Supergirl and The Flash overcome by some alien space ray...I gave it an extra star for the great cover, which, while not "sleepy" , is cool peril. Source: Some Blog
Dec 22, 2009 2 3
Moon Girl was EC Comics version of Wonder Woman (note the moon on her panties, and WW has stars on hers). She has similar powers also. Quality of print is poor in these pics due to microfiche, still it's a good story worth showing. Some bald-headed, pot-bellied goof-ball from the future (year 5000) becomes obsessed w...
Dec 21, 2009 1 9
Marionette ,stunned by her brother's organic sword ,plunges towards her doom, only to recover and save herself with her acrobatic skills. Source: Comicsworld
Dec 20, 2009 3 5
Marionette gets zapped by Baron Karza'a electric hand. Source: Comicsworld
Dec 20, 2009 0 2
Nyoka gets knocked out when a brick hits her head (OUCH). Contributed by: c3c (Covers)
Dec 18, 2009 3 5
Mary Batson knocked out by some thugs. Bound and gagged as usual. Contributed by: c3c (Bill K.)
Dec 18, 2009 2 2
To my great delight I discovered that Comicsworld has a complete collection of Smash Comics although I was only interested in issues 42 to 89, because these are the editions that have Lady Luck stories. I have downloaded and read all 47 of these issues over the past three days. My quest to find KO's, bondage and carry...
Dec 18, 2009 2 8
Various ko's from Jean-Claude Forest's 60's French comic book..translated into English to go with the release of the famed Jane Fonda movie. I personally like the art, but it's not everyonoe's cup of tea.. Source: Comicsworld
Dec 18, 2009 12 4
Argent, a more recent member of the team, gets ko'd after being made dizzy...I also threw in a nice wake-up scene with her from issue 26. Source: Comicsworld
Dec 18, 2009 3 4
Lady Luck appeared in Smash Comics from issue #42 to #89, a run of nearly 50 issues in all. Also of considerable noteworthiness, she had a color comic strip in the Sunday papers of 20 major cities from 1940 to 1946. She was always depicted fairly straight, but most of the other characters in her stories were on the "ca...
Dec 17, 2009 0 9
The girl, Tsukiyono Yuka, faints after seeing her dead brother into her gambling opponent. When the medical squad comes in her opponent carries her away. The arm carry is pretty good.
Dec 17, 2009 3 5
No description.
Dec 17, 2009 2 6
Phantom Lady was penciled by a half dozen or more graphic artists, but Matt Baker is without question the one who did the best job of the lot. He is arguably the absolute King of Good Girl Art, and his rendition of Phantom Lady will forever be a classic. Matt did the art for this story, and even if the work wasn't cr...
Dec 16, 2009 6 8
Flygirl (as her alter ego) pretends to be bound and gagged, in a movie shoot. Contributed by: anonymous
Dec 16, 2009 7 2
Mary Batson is captured on a fishing boat while snooping around. She's gagged with a big cloth and thrown overboard. Contributed by: c3c (Bill K.)
Dec 16, 2009 4 2
In this reprint of Avengers, Volume 1, Issue #41 (Marvel, June 1967), the villain Diablo KOs the Wasp! Source: My own collection
Dec 16, 2009 0 2
Keywords: magic, anime
Dec 16, 2009 2 4
Miss Masque obviously has true lasting value. Nearly 70 years after her creation, she still comes out with a new mini-series, looking better than ever. The art work in this 2009 Canadian mini-series is -- dare I say it -- Awesome (the most overused word of the decade, but in this case very a propo)!! It is more like ...
Dec 15, 2009 8 7
Kind of an unusual one...Glory is ko'd by members of Team Youngblood who have been turned female by a witch..she' then revived (in her own book) by the female Youngbloods who, understandibly, haven't been affeted by the spell.. Source: Comicsworld
Dec 14, 2009 7 5
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