Miss M. is force fed alcohol (for some reason that is kind of hot).
In the next scene, Miss M. slips in the bathroom and hits her head on a faucet, knocking herself out.
In the Mangaverse universe a group of Spider-Man, Spider-Woman (Mary-Jane), The Human Torch (as a girl), Wolverine, Iron Man and Black Cat try to defeat a group of villains who have been killing heroes. They are easily bested and are all knocked out. They are tied up while they're unconscious until they are eventually ...
The Mighty Crusaders #8 was published by Archie Comics in the early 60's. It was A C's attempt to get in on the "superhero" genre of comic books so prevalent for 20 plus years prior to that time. I always liked Fly Girl, who was an early addition to the Fly Man series. In Mighty Crusaders, she is one of their member...
In the Marvel Mangaverse universe, Carol Danvers is a US Airforce pilot. Her plane is taken down and she is electrocuted by the female villain. She later wakes up in the hospital with super powers.
A character tries to stage a robbery and gets hit on the head with an ashtray to make it look authentic. You don't see the actual hit but it is nicely implied and there is a wake up scene. Not to mention lots of bondage.
Keywords: Franco Saudelli, blonde, fetish, gagged, cloth
Found this on the net while searching some drawings from the huge Jordi Bernet. Dunno if it's from an actual comic book...
Update: From DC Comics' Solo series, issue #6.