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The CBS 'Supergirl' pilot episode features Supergirl getting knocked out with a Kryptonite dart. Supergirl is played by Melissa Benoist.
Sep 19, 2017 0 3
BBC animated version of an old Doctor Who episode called "The Power of the Daleks". The Doctor's female companion partner is chloroformed.
Sep 19, 2017 4 5
Akari Acura is captured and drugged with a mind controlling chemical. The scene is animated to look like they are 'chloroforming' her. The anime is also called "Chaika the Coffin Princess"
Sep 19, 2017 2 5
In the episode called "The Bridesmaid", Stripperella comes face to face with a villainess who kidnaps grooms from weddings. Stripperella fights The Bridesmaid, but gets knocked out with sleeping gas from a bouquet of flowers.
Sep 19, 2017 4 5
From "Beauty and the Obese" part 2. Stripperella has discovered Doctor Cesarean's evil plot, but he knocks her out with sleeping gas before she can do anything. Stripperella was created by Stan Lee, and the character is voiced by Pamela Anderson.
Sep 19, 2017 1 6
Wonder Woman defeats Silver Swan in a tough fight.
Sep 19, 2017 3 5
Ana Ishikawa 'Shi', is knocked unconscious by some ninjas.
Sep 18, 2017 0 3
Magdalena carried unconscious by Dracula on the cover. In the story, Magdalena fights Dracula, and gets knocked out. Dracula bites her on the neck. Lara Croft comes to the rescue!
Sep 18, 2017 3 6
Some sexy sleepy scenes from this comic.
Sep 18, 2017 1 5
The cover of this issue depicts Emma Frost carrying an unconscious X-23 (Laura Kinney). In the background is a menacing sentinel.
Sep 18, 2017 0 2
Starfire isn't able to draw enough light energy and faints. There are some nicely drawn unconscious shots of her!
Sep 18, 2017 2 5
The splash page depicts Starfire unconscious in Robin's arms. The first issue has numerous panels with Starfire unconscious and captured.
Sep 17, 2017 3 7
Ryota cradle carries a sleeping Himiko on this manga cover.
Sep 17, 2017 2 2
A cute girl named Nahato Kira gets kidnapped.
Sep 17, 2017 3 4
An amazing piece of art by J. Scott Campbell. The drawing is from the series Fairytale Fantasies, and depicts Snow White sleeping after biting the poisoned apple. The Seven Dwarves, with only their feet shown, look down at the fallen maiden.
Sep 17, 2017 2 3
A woman named Tracy Kirk is chloroformed and drugged by a mob boss. The story is called "Familiarity Breeds Danger". Found this nice scene just browsing randomly!
Sep 17, 2017 2 7
Male Female


The superheroine Sparkplug (as her alter ego Olga Gottman), is gassed and kidnapped in her own apartment.
Sep 17, 2017 1 5
Supergirl crash lands on someone's roof. A nicely drawn splash pages shows her unconscious on the ground.
Sep 17, 2017 1 3
Beautiful policewoman Reiko is leaving the airport with Keiichi. They are suddenly surrounded by thugs. The thugs knock out Keiichi, and chloroform Reiko. The scene is quite good! Original TV Episode name: 烏龍派出所国语特别篇22 丽子救出大作战 Youtube: (around 4:50 mar...
Sep 17, 2017 4 5
An original artwork I did, plus an original story from Mad-Man-with-a-pen. The image depicts Wonder Girl (Drusilla) chloroformed by the Baroness von Gunther. Click the deviantArt link below for the original story.
Sep 16, 2017 2 3
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