As I have said so many times before Matt Baker is the absolute King of Good Girl Art, and in issue #19 of Phantom Lady, he proves it all over again. What a gal!! In this issue some baddies with a model airplane and a highly explosive bomb are intent on blowing up the United Nations (the year is 1949, just for the reco...
Surprised it's not here. Perhaps my favorite scene. First we see Dazzler in civilian dress, a beautiful jumper dress that's beautiful, as she tries to find her landlord, who is talking in private to the villain, Flame. She eavesdrops on them.. I love the look of genuine terror on her face as she leans on the door, an...
Hawkman began appearing in Flash Comics as far back as 1940, but it was not until a couple of years later that Hawkgirl became his sidekick, though as a "civilian" and a "non-super-heroine" she was a part of his stories right from the start . . . the idea being that Hawkman was a loving husband with a wife. During th...
St. John Publications came out in 1953 with one of the best good girl art issues of the entire golden age -- it was a remake of a former heroic couple of the early 40's who appeared in Punch Comics as Rocketman and his sexy partner Rocket Girl. St. John renamed her Jet Girl and she was sexier than ever. In this, the th...
One of the last episodes of the season. Jean grey has been captured by the inner circle. Wolverine remembers how Jean was kidnapped. Jean wakes up in an abandoned castle.
Pretty good episode with lots of unconscious shots of Jean.
Scene 1:
They get in a car accident and Jean is unconscious in the car. Arch Angel takes her away, back to Sinister's lab.
Scene 2: Couple of unconscious shots of her in the lab.
Scene 3: she faints after briefly turning in to the phoenix
Scene 4...
This was a great episode, Emma Frost aka the White Queen get's knocked out a couple of times.
Scene 1:
Jean, gives off a psychic blast knocking out anyone in the new york area.
Scene 2: their car crashes, emma is shown unconscious in the vehicle a couple of times.
scene 3: when they go in to rescue jean, som...