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Starr Flagg, a CIA operative, was a most welcome creation of Magazine Enterprises, a jonny-come-lately publishing house during the twilight years of the golden age of comic books -- hence her career was short lived, too short lived. She was great to look at, and her writers had excellent instincts about the literary i...
Jun 16, 2010 0 20
In this story a very paranoid and nutzo character finds a sack full of rubies in the jungle and gets it in his head that Nyoka wants to steal them. He hires a native to stab her while she is asleep but he misses and she survives. She tries to investigate her own murder attempt and in the process gets KO'd from behind...
Jun 08, 2010 0 6
A totally corrupt city politician decides to rob an airplane while its in flight over Bulletgirl's city. The plane is carrying 3 million dollars worth of gold bullion on its way to Fort Knox. In order to pull a heist of a plane in mid-air, the crooked politician decides to steal Bulletman and Bulletgirl's helmets and ...
Jun 06, 2010 1 5
No description.
Jun 05, 2010 2 1
Nyoka began appearing in Master Comics with issue #50 and she ran all the way to #129, about 5 1/2 years. After that time Fawcett gave her her own title and she ran in that series all the way from #1 to #77, another 6 years. She definitely was a very sellable comodity. In my opinion she was never as sexy looking as S...
Jun 04, 2010 1 8
Another unusual criminal on the warpath with Bulletgirl and her main man. This guy is known as "The Hoarder" and his criminal penchant includes hoarding precious food commodities in a time of war (WW II is in full swing, as Capt. Marvel Jr on the cover clearly shows) -- he hoards hard to get food items so he can sell t...
Jun 01, 2010 1 8
True to form, the villain is another unusual dude, a college professor who studied some ancient oriental art of vastly increasing one's physical strength. He can bend metal bars, and rip mantle-peices off the wall effortlessly even though he is only 5 feet tall and weighs less than 100 pounds. With his new-found stre...
May 30, 2010 1 9
Power Girl is in a battle against a mind controlled Terra. Power Girl thins the air so Terra is knocked unconscious. She carries her over the shoulder to the villain who knows where the real Terra's brain is. After she rescues another person with a swapped brain, the evil Terra wakes up and starts fighting Power Girl a...
May 30, 2010 13 9
Another creative effort by the unidentified script writers of Bulletman. . . this time the villain is a common gang leader who leads his band of thieves in a hospital burglarly to steal radium (worth millions). Along the way, Mr. Bad Guy fights Bulletman, and by using a stick of dynamite stuns the Flying Crime Fighter...
May 29, 2010 2 6
Male Female


Mawa gets captured by oriental bandits, escapes, leads a prisoner revolt, gets wounded in her shoulder, and still manages to call on her inner strength to save the day. Later, wounded and injured, she's found by her boyfriend Victor (a doctor, fortunately) who saves her life. I included a panel from the next issue, w...
May 25, 2010 0 9
An Arab sharpshooter thinks he's stunned Mawa with his rifle, but she was shamming...when he goes to examine his "kill" she definitely shows him who's boss! Source: Blog
May 25, 2010 0 2


More for all you Mawa fans out there! Here, the sexy South American jungle girl gets stunned momentarily while battling a horrible sea creature..nice artwork on this one, I think... Source: blog
May 25, 2010 3 2
It is a fairy tale within the universe of LEGION. Violet is telling it to Ayla. In the scene, Starfinger knocks out Mysa (AKA. The White Witch) Source:
May 22, 2010 2 1
The Black Widow, shaken up after a car crash with The Thing , gets ko'd, carried and menaced by terrorists. Source: blog
May 19, 2010 2 3
Male Female


Mawa, bopped on the head by neandrathals, is carried off for sacrifice...nice scene, too short. Source: blog
May 19, 2010 2 2
Many of Bulletman/Bulletgirl stories are scripted by unknown writers -- too bad. This story is a very interesting plot twist, and keeps the reader in suspense until the last frame of the last page, when it all gets explained. Taken as its told, the tale is of some bad guys who plan a series of mysterious murders unti...
May 17, 2010 4 6
Bulletgirl made an occasional rescue of her partner, Bulletman, but the ratio of such events was about ten rescues of Bulletgirl by Bulletman to every two rescues of Bulletman by her. There is no way of knowing if this was intentional on the script writer's part or not. My guess is, he knew what would be more popular ...
May 13, 2010 3 8
The villains in all the Bulletman/Bulletgirl stories are usually very creative. Their story in Master Comics #29 is no exception. The evil-doer is a bad guy in a "BEE" costume, and though several frames show him flying, he really isn't, he's only gliding on the wings which are a part of his costume. Just as creative...
May 12, 2010 4 7
The girl, Yuki Kurokawa, is out on a rehearsal date with the guy, Utsumi. After the date they stop at a bar but she accidentally drinks vodka instead of water and passes out. Utsumi then carries to a 'love hotel' so she can sleep it off. In her sleep she starts talking and Utsumi wants to kiss her but in the end he dec...
May 12, 2010 3 15
Bulletgirl appeared very early in Bulletman's career and made a welcome addition to his super powered crime fighting team -- especially in the "looks" department. She first appeared with her super-powered love interest in issue #13 of Master Comics (1941) and then ran continually as his sidekick and partner to #106 (1...
May 12, 2010 0 8
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