Wonder Woman in her Golden Age glory.
In this scene, Wonder Woman is doing some investigating. She finds a hidden door and goes through it. In the next panel, she is being chloroformed by some thug. In her thought bubble she thinks "Oohhh -- Chloroform ...", and then passes out. She is carried over the shoulder.
Wonder Woman falls through a trap door straight into a net. Before she can escape, a woman clamps a chloroform soaked cloth over Wonder Woman's face.
A classic scene, and Wonder Woman's first chloroforming in the comics. She would go on to be chloroformed in the 1976 TV Series.
A group of men enter a mansion and chloroform all the women in it. The artwork is fantastic!
Contributed by Anonyman256.
Seriously though, this is like the best chloroform scene ever.
This, along with the scene from Ruse #22, is considered one of the top chloroform scenes ever made.
Emma Bishop, lead character of Crossgen's Ruse, is putting makeup on in her bedroom. An invisible figure sneaks into the room, holding a red cloth. The invisible man attempts to chloroform Emma. The panel on page #3 is ...
One of my favorite manga scenes. Gosunkugi sneaks behind Akane and chloroforms her during a chaotic Romeo and Juliet play. Akane manages to smash Gosunkugi to the ground, before the chloroform knocks her out.
In a flashback, Natacha recounts how she was chloroformed in her apartment and had a bomb implanted in her tooth. A great sexy chloroform scene, as she struggles before passing out.
Contains the Danish version (possible) and English translation.
Mystique is disguised as a man. She enters the bedroom of a lovely young woman. The woman starts to get suspicious when Mystique talks. Mystique quickly knocks out the woma with ether.
Very sexy scene, one of my favorites!