I just wanted to share this scene from Hawkgirl #62 with you. It's part of my latest update, just a few random scenes here and there. I want point out that Hawkgirl issues 57,58,61, and now 62 all had KO scenes. I think Hawkgirl meets Batman in issue 63, so who knows what will happen? When you do this long enough you start to notice patterns in the comics industry. I wouldn't be surprised if comic writers out there had a sleepy fascination. I wonder what comic writers and artists would think about my site?
I just saw one of the best anime clips ever. It was posted on AVGDID by Lost One Zero and I just had to share it with you all. In the clip a lady is handgagged and then chloroformed. The first time however, she doesn't fall asleep. There is a second scene where she is chloroformed and this time she does get knocked out. This was such an exciting clip to see. I posted it in the clips page.
You may have noticed that I changed the layout of the video clips section. No longer is everything displayed in a grid. I created a separate database just to manage all my clips. When you click on a clip name it takes you to a new page that displays more information and a download link. I think this will make it easier to find what you want. It also makes it easier for me to manage. Hope you like it! Enjoy the new clip, it is so fucking good.
Okay I updated the site again. Look in the recently added comics page to see what I added. I also added a handful of new video clips from Witchblade, Street Fighter II, Virtua Fighter and Stratos 4. I also added a classic Fantastic Four clip. The place where I host my clips just increased its quota to 800 MB. I currently have 71 clips and about 488 MB of free space. I have several options here. I could host only new clips that have never been posted before, basically what I'm doing right now. I could also start posting old clips that you have all seen before, kind of like an archive. The problem is, I don't think anyone would download old clips because, well, everyone has seen them already. What do you think?
Sorry everyone for screwing up the site recently. I'm going to make some drastic changes to the site layout (I know, I know, I've changed it enough already). In the next few days, some things on this site might not function properly. Don't worry, all the content will still be here.
If you look to your left you should see a navigation panel. That's where you will find all the links from now on. I made the links smaller and more compact so I could fit more into the panel. I am also integrating this blog into the site layout so everything is uniform for the first time ever!
Unbelievable, what just happened at Virginia Tech. It's so insensible for someone to do such a terrible thing. I cannot even imagine the pain and sorrow the people at the VT campus are feeling. Many of the victims were young and had so much to live for. There have been so many school shootings in the past year, the recent one being the worst ever.
As a college student I can relate to the events in VT. A couple years ago my very own campus experienced a shooting, where one person died. It can happen anywhere.
I don't find my particular campus to be very safe. Recently my room mate was robbed at 7:00 PM, when it was still light outside. Of course I have never experienced anything as horrific as the VT massacre, so I guess I can consider myself lucky. I give my condolences to the victims of this American tragedy.
Updated the site again. Have you guys caught on to my update frequency yet? You can literally just sit there and refresh the page and you will see changes to the site. I am constantly adding stuff to the database and tweaking the layout.
Yesterday I recieved the most unique visitors ever, probably as a result of my massage video clips barrage. Over 1,220 visitors in 24 hours. Now if I can make that the average daily traffic, man this site will be huge.
Anyway, someone on the Chloroforum alerted me to a scene in the French animated film "Renaissance" (2006). I saw the trailer and there was a brief handgag. I examined it further and I saw a little cloth so I determined that this was most likely a chloro. I obtained the film and found the scene. It looks like we have a winner! I added the movie clip this morning. It's a decent scene with a nice wake up. I mean what can I say, the French love their chloros.
I just watched a preview for the anime D. Gray-Man episode 30. In the preview a cute nurse gets chloroformed! Someone alerted me to it a couple days ago and today I confirmed it. I made a clip of the preview. It's a really short clip but this scene looks good!
I added a bunch of old clips, bringing the current video count to 100! I'm starting to post clips almost as frequently as comic scans.
I updated original art too. I added a bunch of comic scans, so check those out. Visit my recently added page to see all the newest comic scans.
Well, that's all the updates for now. This site is growing like mad. I now get 1000 uniques everyday.
Cross your fingers for that new anime chloro scene that is about to air!!!!
I am starting to notice that I post clips almost as frequently as comics scans now. Guys, don't forget that I always post comic scans when I find them, despite the fact that I sometimes don't announce it. I found some really awesome stuff lately, so visit Recently Added to see what's new.
Okay, it's official: Tony from Reporter Blues is my new favorite cartoon damsel. This chloro scene was such a lucky find. It was in episode #7. When I saw it this morning I was screaming with joy, it was so good. The thing I like about this cartoon is that it doesn't take itself too seriously. Before the chloro, the henchmen tried other comedic ways to capture Tony. They failed, but it was funny. Then Tony begins her female domination and starts kicking the thug's asses. I love it when the girl is strong and confident right before she is knocked out, it just adds so much to the scene. Anyway, Tony does not see the thug behind her with the chloroform soaked cloth. The struggle is good, but the fumes cause her to pass out in the man's arms. They carry Tony into the car and we get some nice sleepy shots of her. It's just the greatest scene. I expect this to be downloaded 1000 times in 24 hours, or else I will be disappointed.
I want to thank the person who alerted me to the Resident Evil 4 Ada Wong dart scene (found only in the PS2 version, although I believe the Wii version will also have this scene). I played the Gamecube RE4 and it's like one of my favorite games, but I can't believe I missed out on this incredible dart scene! This game has so much violence, with people getting shots, blown up and decapitated, yet the writers decided to balance out the violence with an elegant tranquilizer dart KO with none other than the sexy Ada Wong. F--ing brilliant.
So I updated the video clips, doujinshi and assorted pages. I found a decent Starfire faint scene in DC Fifty Two #51. Seems the only decent chloro scenes are in doujins these days. Western comic book writers have all but forgotten about this wonderful KO method.
I changed my title bar to have a bound and gagged girl in the background. I was tired of seeing the lame "crumpled paper" background that I randomly found on the internet and thought would be make my site look cool. If I have time I might make the title bar change for different pages.
So I got my brother to watch the Wonder Woman Fausta chloroform scene on Youtube. I hoped that showing him the greatest chloro ever would convert him, but he ended up being indifferent. That's what I find so be so strange about my fascination; a chloro scene is like gold to me, but for someone else it's nothing. One day I will make my brother like sleepy scenes.
I have to admit, I am a little disappointed. Not about my brother, but about another issue. It's probably no big deal, but I feel like I am being ignored. I just posted five never before seen chloro scenes on the Chloroforum and got a combined total of two comments. Someone else posts a lame drugged drink scene and gets more comments. I know there isn't much to say except "nice clip", but I wanted to see more of a response. For that great Reporter Blues chloro, I had to do a lot of research to find out the exact episode it was in. I send out e-mails and post on anime forums to get information. The clip gets downloaded 500+ times, and I get almost no response for what will probably go down as one of the greatest animated chloro scenes of all time. Does this mean I will stop making clips? Hell no, because I love seeing girls get put to sleep. I just feel that for all my efforts I should deserve a little more credit. Is there something about me that you people don't like?