I'm on Twitter

Jul 31, 2009 11:05 PM
I created a twitter account at: http://twitter.com/sleepycomics.  I'll use it to post more real time updates on things I'm working on, sleepycomics updates, anything sleepy related, etc.  Sign up and follow my account to know more about what's going on in my life. That's all, thanks!

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( 2 )

Aug 01, 2009
If it was your personal Twitter, I'd follow you. But my Twitter account is personal and I dont need people to know I come to this site. Id you had a personal Twitter, I'd follow though. Maybe you can edit the website a bit to let people know you're on Twitter because this newsmessage isnt always going to be the newest.

Aug 01, 2009
I understand. I used to have a personal twitter, but my REAL life is not that interesting, so I never update it.