Thanks for all the comments you guys are sending me! I have actually received quite a few comments in the past two weeks since I made the switch to this new site.
I wanted let you guys know that I am starting a discussion board on This is the first time I have ever added any sort of forum to my site. I think it will be an interesting experiment. You can visit the forum by going to There is also a link at the top of the page.
You must be a registered user to post on the board. Everyone who is currently registered for is automatically registered for the board. All posts are public, so you don't have to be a member to read posts.
In the past I considered adding a forum to, but I always decided against it because there was never enough user participation. I figured, if people won't even comment on scenes or the blog, why will they post in a forum? Well I started noticing more user participation, so I thought I'd try a forum.
Please, don't be shy about posting in the forums. I am not a mean guy and my forum will certainly not be as strict as The Chloroforum. You can guarantee that I will participate in almost all discussions.
So check it out and have fun!
Sep 30, 2009