Ratings and faves matter more than ever now!

Jun 09, 2012 06:27 PM
As you all know, sleepycomics.com has two very cool and underused features: ratings and faves! First off, thank you to the same 10 or so people who actually use them.

If you haven't noticed, I just released the ability to sort scenes by total faves, and average rating. It's under Advanced Search Options at the top. This provides an alternate way of viewing what the sleepy community thinks are the best scenes.

A "Fave" is basically the same thing as a "Like" on Facebook. You don't have to fave every single thing in the world, but if you see something you really like...Fave it!

Ratings provide similar feedback, but in more detailed fashion. Feel free to rate as many scenes as you want. Think of it like IMDB.com ratings. If I had hundreds of votes per scene, I could create accurate top 100 lists of the best sleepy scenes ever.

Finally, ratings and faves provide feedback as to what kind of scenes this community likes. If I notice high ratings for manga scenes, I'll make more of an effort to find those. Likewise, if there are low ratings for "electrical KO" scenes (for instance), I won't bother to post them anymore. Saves me time.

But none of that is possible if you guys don't give me feedback. So click those stars!


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