Hi people. You may know me as the webmaster of pleaserelax.tripod.com. Well that site has moved to this new location, sleepycomics.com. A very generous person on the Chloroforum offered to host my site on his server. So now I am just working out all the kinks, trying to get the site to work the way I want it to. There will be some changes though.
I will publish all database updates on this blog. So essentially, this blog is the real homepage. You access the old homepage when you goto sleepycomics.com/comic/. I will stop posting updates on the old homepage. Go there if you want to see the master list of scenes, plus clips and original art. Â
Hopefully, you will take advantage of the search features on the blog. I will title each post something like this:
issue - sleeper - rating. The post will contain scans in thumbnail format, hosted on Photobucket:


That's from Angel and the Ape #5. Pretty cool eh, it's one of my favorites.
This site is about more than seeing new scans (although that's probably why most of you come here). The real goal is to index every sleeping gas and chloroform scene in mainstream comics. It may sound impossible, but I believe it is achievable. So keep those scanners ready and keep reading those comics!
Here are some other scenes I recently indexed in the database:
Chloro: Sorceress Stabber Orphen, Fight Comics 49, Modesty Blaise
Gas: Angel and the Ape #5, Tomb Raider, Action #60, Adventure #128, Catwoman #68
Other: Alpha Flight #35, 2099 World of Tomorrow #3
There is no turning back now!
Aug 29, 2006