May 26, 2007 12:01 AM
Time for another update. I hope all of you know about the recently added page. For some reason I am not registering many hits for that page. I think it should be really popular because it lists all the newest additions to the sleepy comics database, THE greatest database ever.

You know I began searching for sleepy scenes since March of 2006? Yeah, I've been on the hunt for over a year already. This site is nearing its one year anniversary. It's incredible how fast time flies: one minute I am sitting at my PC lurking on the Chloroforum, and the next minute I am sitting at my PC working on, which is in my opinion the best sleepy content site ever created. I don't know if I like this though because my search methods are on the level of industrialization. Every single day I am bombarded by scenes of women being knocked unconscious...and I freaking love it. No matter how many times I see Wonder Women get knocked out, it never gets old. Sometimes while I am updating this site, I will just say to myself: "Damn! I really really like this stuff!"

So, I added a bunch of new scenes. Some good scenes I recommend are She-Hulk v2 #18 (great injection scene), Wonder Woman #266 (Wonder Girl getting knocked unconscious and tied up) and Wonder Woman #272 (Which has a great Huntress Head KO). Dave sent me some of those Wonder Woman alerts, so I thank him.

You'll notice on each comic scene's page there is a link that says "Missing Scans Report". I noticed some curious people have already clicked on it. Basically it's a way for you to alert me if a scan is missing. Imageshack has been pretty reliable (albeit very slow), although I have gone back to Photobucket because I now have a Pro account (which means unlimited bandwith, YAY). Just click that link if a scan is missing. It will basically put that comic scene's ID number in a list that I can just go through. So don't be afraid to use the error reporting tool, but don't use it if there isn't an error.

I hope people are liking the new fields I added to each comic scene, "Gender Roles" and "Bondage". I've modified about 70% of my entire collection so far.

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( 5 )

May 27, 2007
Great update! I have always been a fan of Marvel superheroine - until you post all those KO scenes with WW, BC and Huntress. Just imagine Black canary is as popular as WW, and has her own comics series, do you think she will get Koed more than WW? Anyway, Susan Storm still my favourite. Keep those comics coming..........

May 28, 2007
I use the "recently added" link each time I visit.
Thanks again for such a great site.

May 28, 2007
Sue Storm, and Storm are my favorites :)

May 29, 2007
This site is greate for looking at all different types of KOs by different heroines. I want to know is when the video clips are going to be updated? And how often do you check in your "Still Seaching" site? Hopefully, they will be found and updated.

May 29, 2007
I'll update the vid clips page when I find a good clip. I haven't been searching lately because I've been busy. I update the vid clips page on and off. When I get a good alert you can be certain to see it added to the clips page.