Aug 11, 2007 01:13 AM

A little bit more info on this scene. It's from X-Factor #22 and the girl is Monet. I found this scene today and boy was it a nice surprise. I LOVE THIS SCENE!!!! I think this is the best comic find since JSA #20, this is so fucking good. I haven't seen a chloroforming scene this outstanding in forever.

I noticed that this scene was actually posted on Western Civilization three days ago, but just to make things clear, I found this scene independently.

But what else can I say? Just enjoy the scene. Watch her fall asleep. Life rules.

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( 6 )

Aug 12, 2007
It's a wonderful scene, helps that Monet is one of my favorite characters.

Oh, and somebody may be interested, the original art for the sleeping gas scene in Union Jack 3 (featuring Sabra) is for sale. Too much for me sadly :D


Aug 17, 2007
wow, looks amazing

Aug 25, 2007
We need more scenes where someone pipes gas through the air vents and knocks out a whole roomful of oblivious people all at once.

One on one napcaps are fun, but the subjects in those scenes all know they're under attack. Venting gas silently into a room of characters has the element of them not knowing what is hitting them, until it's too late; typically in the middle of a conversation about something which is cut short by the onset of the effects of the gas.

This also has the benefit of being able to assemble all one's favourite characters and anaesthetising them in one scene, giving readers a choice of favourites.

A pity the editors of modern comics are increasingly steering away from sleepy attacks. Not only does it detract from the sales of comics, forcing them to publish suggestive covers which bear no relation to their contents (She Hulk being forced to jump rope naked being a prime example); but it also represents a gradual, insidious hardening of the hearts of the supervillains, as they slowly navigate away from doing no harm to their nemesis to just brutishly shooting them in the back of the head if they become an inconvenience.

The idea of the napcap scenario has become a joke in some comic circles; the henchmen carting away the sleek female to some "pervy old professor's basement so he can photograph her in something tight and leathery" etc. turning what might have been a serious downturn in the fortunes of the captive heroines into something perhaps more salacious than we fans might be asking for.


Aug 25, 2007
I have a few of those mass gas scenes. I hope sleepy scenes can make a comeback in comics, so that more scenes like the one in X-Factor 22 can happen.

Aug 25, 2007
X-Factor 22? Is there a link for it on this site?

Aug 25, 2007
Stet. Colour me duh. I haven't got my thinking head on today.