My Vision

Aug 04, 2008 05:27 PM
Have I lost my way? That is the topic of today's post. It seems that recently I have started posting more bondage-only scenes. This site is beginning to move in the direction of encompassing not just knockout scenes, but bondage scenes in general. Let me assure you though, that sleepy scenes have ALWAYS taken priority and I will never stop posting them.

I want to take this time to remind my guests what the original goal of Sleepy Comics was and how that goal has changed over time. When I created the Sleepy Comics database it's purpose was to manage my personal collection. I wasn't doing this for Slumberville or c3c; I was doing this for myself. I was discovering so many sleepy scenes that I needed a way to manage all my finds. Imagine a fully searchable database of sleepy scenes that can be accessed anywhere, anytime. Furthermore, why not share this database with the entire world? That was my vision.

Over time, my tastes changed. If any of you remember the initial database, it contained only chloroform, gas and injection scenes. That was it. I didn't care for head KO's or even unconscious covers. Slowly, I began to adopt other KO methods into my database. I began to appreciate the beauty of a nice head KO. Later on, I started seeing the value of bondage scenes in conjunction with KO scenes. I discovered that they make a great pair, and I made it my duty to include the full scene in my database. So in a sense, I really haven't lost my original vision; I broadened it.

I don't have much more to say on the subject, so I'll leave it at this: Sleepy scenes and bondage scenes are mutual, and it is a necessary bond to make this website truly successful.

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( 5 )

Aug 05, 2008
Whilst this site is a fantastic resource for sleepy stuff, I personally don't find the bondage stuff that appealing.
However, it's your gaffe and your rules so bless ya for providing us mere mortals with such a rich vein of material.
Keep it up dude !!


Aug 05, 2008
While I do not really care for the bondage, I do see your point in trying to connect the two. A good KO with a nice bondage wakeup. BUt just bondage doesnt interest me really.

Aug 05, 2008
You know, I was the same way once. But interestingly, the more bondage I looked at the more I liked it. Weird.

Aug 05, 2008
Hey, I like both KOs and bondage (with a preference for KO) -- both go hand in hand! I am glad that you expanded the subject matter of the website.

Aug 05, 2008
Not so much into the head trauma as the "chemical" ones. the bondage is always a welcome plus, but not really a required element. It's good to see you've opened your mind Red,and expanded your visions.