How Disney's "Marvelous" Acquisition Helps Us

Aug 31, 2009 08:08 PM
Disney acquiring Marvel Comics may provide us with some new sleepy and bondage content.
Disney acquiring Marvel Comics may provide us with some new sleepy and bondage content.
So if you haven't heard the news yet, The Walt Disney Company has just acquired Marvel Entertainment for $4 billion (Source).

I was totally surpised by this news. Naturally, the first thing I began thinking about was how this acquisition will affect, given that I rely heavily on providing sleepy content. It occurred to me that this could not have come at a more opportune time.

I go through probably hundreds of comics each month, and I am slowly starting to realize that comics with a certain mature theme have very little in terms of sleepy or bondage content. Comics like Punisher, X-Men, Detective Comics and others rely a lot on violence to trigger an emotional response in its readers. I mean comics these days are just chock full of brutal, bloody violence.

In my years of searching, I noticed an opposite trend in family friendly, children's comics. Kids comics avoid all the bloody violence found in adult comics, but how then do they keep reader's interest? Where's the drama in a children's comic? The answer, is harmless peril in the form of bondage and knockout scenes. Think about it. What's the least violent way to put a female character in danger? Tie her up or spray her with sleeping gas. Where are you most likely to find such scenes? Children's Comics.

The best thing that could come out of this deal, is Walt Disney pushing for more family friendly kids comics from Marvel. I'm talking about Marvel Adventures for Kids, featuring the Fantastic Four, Spiderman, The Avengers. That's where the sleepy and bondage scenes will be.

I'll be keeping a close eye on Marvel Comics in the coming months.

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( 5 )

Aug 31, 2009
So, now they can do a "Brides of Doom" crossover with Doctor Doom capturing all the Disney Princesses (TM)! That might actually be fun!

Aug 31, 2009
Even better would be Disney "Superheroine" Princesses. Imagine the possibilities and costumes!

Aug 31, 2009
I hate to burst your bubble, but Disney's gonna leave Marvel the way it is. From the press release, Their going at this like Warner does with DC

Aug 31, 2009
One can always hope though.

Sep 11, 2009
OK, Hard core characters like Wolverine
KO'ing The Little Mermaid and chloroforming Snow White

There are posibilities here .....
