Okay, so my last post for the women of Sleepycomics.com didn't do so well. So let's change things up. It's no secret I love this website. I like to think of it as
Fuel for my sleepy fetish. Just like cars need gasoline to run, I need sleepy and bondage content to fuel my life. Don't we all right?
Here are my reasons for why Sleepycomics.com should be the final pit stop to fuel your fetish!
1. Consistent updates
I can't count how many times I would visit my favorite fetish website, only to have stale content that is months old. You've all seen it. Static websites that haven't been updated in years; blogs with posts from 2005.
It's frustrating when web content doesn't update.
That's why I started Sleepycomics.com.
I was sick and tired of waiting for other people to update their websites. I needed fuel for my fetish, and I needed it NOW! So I went out, and started finding my own sleepy content. Sleepycomics.com was born, and the rest is history.
2. Better Data Management And Searching
When you have lots of data and content, managing it can be tough.
That's why I love Sleepycomics.com's search feature!
Type in something like
Zatanna Gagged, and the content you want shows up...just as expected.
This is because of scene tags and descriptions, all of which are searchable. I am constantly trying to improve the metadata surrounding scenes, which means finding what you want will be even easier.
I also work hard to make sure all content stays online. In the past, we relied on free image hosts like Imageshack to store our pictures. And then in a few months, they would take the image down.
I now host everything myself.
3. Quality Content
Not only are content updates consistent, but
content on Sleepycomics.com is improving in quality. I am constantly updating old scenes with better scans and more metadata. I have even gone out of my way to obtain better image scans.
For example, everyone's favorite scene:
Batgirl vs. Riddler by ChadTheH. That scene used to have very low quality scans, where you could barely read the text. I obtained the better versions by doing an art trade with ChadTheH.
Just today I posted better scans from an old
Vampirella comic.
4. A jack of all trades webmaster
I live by the motto, "The only way to get something done, is to do it yourself!"
Sleepycomics.com is primarily run by one person, along with a handful of people who also contribute content (you know who you are. Thanks guys!)
I handle all content discovery, metadata entry, content and software management and even content creation.
This means I do not have to rely on anyone else. Independence is a truly liberating feeling. Now I know why people become entrepreneurs!
Having someone at the forefront who can manage everything means you're going to get the best possible experience out of this website!
I'm extremely passionate about my sleepy fetish, and I enjoy making the world a better place for people like me. Let's all try to make this the best sleepy fetish community on the internet!
Jul 03, 2012