Why do we sleepy fetish enthusiasts enjoy chloroform scenes so much? What is it about this particular knockout method that is so enticing and so sexy?
It really is hard to quantify. Chloroform scenes make up a large chunk of KO scenes on Sleepycomics.com, over 800 last I checked. I'm going to try and explain why I think chloroform is the best KO method all around!
1. It's in the middle between "gentle" and "violent".
Chloroform is what I'd classify as a 'soft' knockout. Soft knockouts shouldn't physically harm the damsel. Other examples include gas, fainting and druggings. 'Hard' knockouts involve some sort of physical harm. Head KO's, neck chops, tranquilizer darts...they are quite painful!
Chloroform is sort of in between. It's 'soft' like a gas scene, but 'hard' in the sense that you need to restrain the damsel. This gives you the best of both worlds.
2. The damsel is fully aware of her peril
Chloroform is unique in that damsels who are in the process of getting knocked out, are fully aware of their danger and peril. Think about it. With head KO's, the knockout is almost instantaneous. The damsel doesn't have time to even react to her situation. Gas and drugging scenes are ambiguous, because the damsel may think she is just getting tired.
But with chloroform, the damsel knows she's in danger the minute she smells those fumes on the cloth.
And there's nothing she can do about it, except struggle. This situation awareness makes the knockout scene that much more appealing to us sleepy enthusiasts.
Because while we love seeing sleeping damsels, we love it even more when they are in danger.
3. Two words: Lynda Carter.
When you think about chloroform, you think about Wonder Woman. And why do you think about Wonder Woman? Because of a wondrous woman named Lynda Carter, who gracefully acted out one of the greatest chloroform scenes ever put on film. Her contribution to society probably created a whole generation of sleepy fetish enthusiasts. There was nothing more sexy than seeing the all powerful Wonder Woman, getting defeated with a simple cloth.
It was the ultimate shift in power balance...and we loved it.
4. Chloroform levels the playing field
We lowly mortals can only fantasize about knocking out all powerful superheroines. Do you think you could beat Wonder Woman or Supergirl in a fight? No chance. And honestly, even with chloroform, at their current power levels you couldn't touch them.
But there was a time when chloroform and sleeping gas DID work on those heroines. And while you most certainly couldn't head KO Wonder Woman (unless you're in the Golden Age), you could chloroform her! Hey, they did it on the TV show!
Suddenly the balance of power shifted. With this magical chemical, you could defeat the most powerful heroine in the DC universe. And that was awesome.
5. Chloroform is used mostly on (fictitious) women
Sure, I have a few male chloroform scenes. They aren't very good and no one looks at them. But the female chloroform scenes...oh my! They are so much higher in quality.
I am not skipping male chloros on purpose either.
Male chloroform scenes are literally harder to find. Chloroform as a KO method, was made for women. God himself couldn't come up with a sexier KO method.
Really think hard. Is there any male chloroform KO scene that even approaches the same level as the Wonder Woman, Catwoman or Ruse chloros that are so lauded? There are none. And that's because
it simply looks better and sexier when a woman is chlorformed.
But don't let me have all the fun.
Share your reasons for why you think chloroform is the best KO method! If you disagree, tell us your favorite method, and why!
Jul 04, 2012