Slowing down my comic/manga searching...

Sep 04, 2012 09:43 PM
Hey guys, thanks for all the feedback you gave me in my previous post. I will likely use some of those suggestions (but it will be a surprise!). In the meantime, there's an awesome Zatanna chloroformed piece for sale in the store. Check it out!

This post will also be really short and to the point. Basically, I am slowing down my searching of mainstream comics and manga, in favor of spending more time on original art. I feel I've passed a threshold of acceptability with my art, and want to expand on it. For the first time, I don't think I suck anymore!

There are lots of comic book and manga scenes left to discover, and I will need your help in uncovering them. Check out my links page for links to comic and manga websites.

Also, use my database as a resource. Don't search comics that have already been looked at. I keep my own personal list of searched comics here: The comics searched page. You can do basic word filtering on the list. It's a great way to save time when searching.

One of the best ways you can support today, is to help me find scenes!

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